Thursday, January 6, 2011

If you come here first, check order of volumes

This is the 5th book of series

Friday, October 8, 2010

The Second Time Around

The Second Time Around


This is a slight flashback from the epilogue of the last book. This introduction takes place before that, and it will be totally out of sequence of how events occurred. We have travelled back in time, and for a while we didn't know it.

I’m on Tech Duinn again, with Thanatos/Keith/Whatever, Macha, Deliah, Kyle and Kevin. We had just picked up Kyle and Kevin for a second time, saving them from experiencing a complete economic collapse and military hits on U.S. soil. Deliah had been with us a while, having been ‘kidnapped’ from 1950, which was a bit earlier than her natural death, but it didn’t change history. We took her before her health totally fell apart, and after being reminded of her ‘pre-life’ request to be taken to Tech Duinn. Me, Thanatos and Macha knocked on Deliah's door, proved who we were, gave her my book set, had her read it, and she came with us eagerly to be delicately removed from her vast estate. Deliah Nebenzahl would be in the news as a disappearance, and the case would never be solved, just like Kyle and Kevin.

I had been shown the stories I’d written the minute I woke up on the couch from passing out on seeing that Keith looked so much like me in his human form, from book one. Also, my initial meeting with Macha had gone much different from in the first story. She was quite apologetic, and she gently seduced me into quite an interesting, though completely open relationship. Yes, I suppose I can say she was my consort, and I was more than happy about it. I also had chosen to hit full maturity this time, and I let myself freeze at what I would have looked like at twenty-four. That added another half inch to my height, and five pounds to my weight, though my face was mostly unchanged. It had just a wee bit more character, looked a touch more masculine, but was still basically soft, and innocent, and angelic looking, as ever, though I was far from it.

Yes, Kyle had gotten my stories on the web for all to see, and they did get a noticeable readership, but there hadn't been enough time to get anything really big started, not that I cared. After all, what did I have to gain or lose? I couldn’t even identify with the neurotic nut case who I was, when I wrote those stories. I loved my grandfather so much, and I’d abandoned him? I could never do that. I also had abandoned my father and Etain, which was a mighty strange thing for an Irish kid to do. No! No way!

The aloof one?! Me? Uh uh! I had lots of visitors, mostly on Deliah’s and...I’ll say ‘Stefan’s’ request, since Kyle became Stefan about the minute she/he/it got here, this time around.

Thanatos (I think I’ll call him that, except for the occasions where a point had to be made, since to go by what we really called him, would be a literary mess. We went back and forth, between Thanatos and Keith like crazy, but that just makes for sloppy writing.) collected all the brilliant minds in history that we could think of, and some made repeat visits to Tech Duinn and Tir na nOg to be with us for a while. Of course there were some never to return, but the likes of us weren’t to everyone’s taste.

Oh yeah! Don’t just pick this up and read it! Read it after:

1) What Revelation Never Told You

2) Stefan

3) Life With Thanatos

4) The White City

As for ‘Our Demented Poetry Collection’ and 'A Lot of Love, a Little Hate, a Little Philosophy,...', whenever you want to read it is fine. It's only poetry with no tale to tell.

Now, off to a terse, VERRRRRRY hedonistic tale. I'm not quite as shy, neurotic, and personally conservative as I used to be. We were pretty obsessed with the appreciation and desired closeness of each other in this ‘time frame’, and that's what this tale is about.

Yeah, we relived all the good stuff we did in books two and three, and being I don’t want to write the same book twice, this will be covering a bit of what ‘I’ didn’t do in books two and three; since we did spend one hell of a lot of time on each other this time around, though I won’t get into the intricacies of it all.

Chapter 1

The seating arrangement was, Thanatos, Deliah, Stefan and I. We were on a couch in a dark room, in front of a large screen, and I’d just been exposed to my first movie. Plan 9 From Outer Space. It was as funny as hell, but I really wondered if I wanted any further exposure to anything like this. It was such a passive, brain-dead activity.

We were all temperature sensitive, under a few blankets, with either tea or hot chocolate on the coffee table in front of us. We were so addicted to sharing hot beverages that I don’t know what to say about it.

I wasn’t in the tunic I allegedly perpetually wore in my alleged journals that I read, but still can’t remember writing. I liked that tunic, and I still wore it most of the time, but now I was in a simple, not-quite-ankle-length, unbelted black leine, and socks, having my feet tucked under me on the couch.

“That had a reputation for being the worst movie ever made,” said Stefan, baring the fangs he now usually wore in a smile.

I chuckled. “And that’s what you wanted to expose us to?!”

“I’d never seen it, and I was curious,” said Stefan.

Deliah laughed. “I could do more of this.” She pressed both Thanatos and Stefan to herself. “This was kind of fun, and now that it’s over, it’s even more fun.”

In complete synchronicity, Deliah got a simultaneous kiss on each cheek by both Stefan and Thanatos. “So, what shall we do? Go through all the worst movies ever made?” asked Thanatos.

“Attack of the Killer Tomatoes is a good one,” said Stefan. “It had this hilarious song and dance scene by the military. That alone made it worth watching.”

“Oh?” asked Deliah.

“And there was this one scene, where a guy was pretending to be a tomato in a meeting of tomatoes, and he made the mistake of asking a tomato to pass the ketchup. That was a gut buster,” said Stefan.

“OK, let’s watch that later,” I said. That sounded absolutely ridiculous, but so was Plan 9. Oh well, what the Hell, huh?

“Sure,” said Thanatos. “I picked it up from Stefan in one of our mergings. While we’re watching silly horror flicks, we can’t miss Night of the Living Dead, can we?”

“That was kind of sad, but I saw a book on how it was made, and the actors had a lot of fun with it,” said Stefan.

“It was a political statement,” said Thanatos.

Stefan swallowed. “I know, and I don’t know if I can sit through it again. I was totally stunned when that black dude got shot at the end. It also pissed me off.”

I leaned my head on his shoulder. “I can understand,” I said.

Stefan was as upset about racial injustice as ever. He caressed my hair. “Actually, maybe if we watch many more movies, I’d rather be distracted by comedy. Life was enough of a bitch not to be reminded of its garbage, any more.”

I walked my fingers across Stefan’s back, and slid my hand back to where it had originated when he leaned forward. “Does that mean you’re not going to be my apprentice psychopomp in this version of your existence at Tech Duinn?”

He turned to me. “No. I'll still work with you. It’s just I want no gratuitous exposure to pointless morbid violence. In fact, why not start taking me on your outings at work the next time you go?”

I kissed him on the nose. “Of course I’ll ask you to get back in the Druid garb, and ditch the fangs for our job. What you look like now just wouldn’t do.”

“It is so weird, talking about things we’ve done that I can’t even remember, like The White City” said Stefan.

“You will remember everything, after we get off this island again,” said Thanatos.

“Akashic Library?” asked Stefan.

“Won’t work,” said Thanatos.

Stefan totally snuggled into me. With closed eyes, and a smile, he said, “I guess I can wait. Living in paradise, it’s no problem.”

Deliah leaned into Stefan, and dragged Thanatos with her. “Donn, if you are going to take away my side warmer with your seductive snogging, I think you should install general electrical access to this place so we can use electric blankets. It is freezing, in this room.”

“You could de-sensitise yourself,” I said.

“But this makes snuggling so much more fun,” said Deliah.

“Doesn’t it, though,” said Thanatos.

I looked over to Thanatos, feeling a slight void that he wasn’t directly at my side. “The old you in our last run through this period would have thought your present self silly, no doubt.” I put the blanket aside, got up, worked my way between Stefan and Deliah, and immediately got under the covers somewhere in there, also moving my hot chocolate to the other side of Stefan’s cup.

“Not really,” said Thanatos. “Del, can you please get up, let me move over to Donn, and you get in my lap?”

“Glad to.” She threw the blanket aside, got up, let Thanatos reposition himself, and had a seat.

I rubbed the side of my face against his shoulder. Love them telepaths. “So, now what?” I asked.

Thanatos closed his eyes. “Electrical system in place, outlets on every wall, and twelve gridded windmills on the island.”

“Thanks,” I said, “but what I meant, is what do we do next?”

“What’s wrong with just sitting here?” asked Deliah, as she reached for her tea.

“You have a point,” I said. I put one arm around Stefan, and the other around Thanatos. “Thanatos, am I writing any more books?”

“You’ll be writing until we make it to the Astral Plane.”

I figured as much. I had a strange craving to start on something else. “I assume we don’t want to relive what we already went through.”

“I hope not,” said Thanatos. “We’re already off to a different start in a lot of respects.”

“No more silly sword fights for you, though I do kind of miss the concept of watching the performances which were more like dances,” I said.

“Me and Macha can still do those once in a while.”

“Yeah, I’d like to see that,too.” said Deliah.

“It probably beats Plan 9 From Outer Space,” I said.

Deliah asked Thanatos, “So what was it like being carried off as the spoils of war, and being ravished by the most beautiful woman in existence?”

“Second most beautiful woman in existence. I think you deserve the title you gave to Macha. Mixed package, looking back on it,” said Thanatos. “When it was happening, I loved it.”

Deliah chuckled. “One day, my curiosity might get the better of me, and maybe I will take on a male form to experience the greatest lover in existence, if she’ll have me.”

Thanatos looked at me. “Should I continue to permit this lady to sit in my lap, after that comment?”

Deliah totally lost it. In between her gusts of laughter, she said, “I meant female lover, from a masculine perspective.”

Thanatos scraped his fangs across the side of her neck. “In that case, you can stay.”

She pressed herself into him, and trilled. “Thanatos, can you get Cleopatra and Alexander of Macedonia for us later?”

“I think that can be arranged.”

“How about Prometheus and Atalanta and Perseus,” asked Stefan.

Thantos scowled. “Don’t push it.”

“I suppose a ‘tribble’ would be out of the question, too?” asked Stefan, the former Star Trek fan.

Thanatos chuckled. “Stefan, you are exactly the same in this run of existence as you were in your last.”

“Have I changed?” asked Deliah.

“Not really,” said Thanatos. “Kevalyn is basically the same, too.”

I asked, “After we’re done with our snogging here, shall we check out the tiered gardens of


“Unseen to the eyes of the natives, of course?” asked Stefan.

“Only way to do it,” said Thanatos. “I’d like that.”

“Same,” said Stefan.

“Never been there,” said Deliah. “I’d love it.”


As we ‘floated’ through the gardens of Carthage, hostilities toward Rome emerged in me again; with my apologies to my Roman friends. Such a beautiful city-state destroyed for reasons of economic envy. Can’t out-trade ‘em, destroy ‘em! Not that Carthage itself didn’t have something to do with her own destruction. There was political infighting, and if you have too many mercenaries whose only loyalty is the price the employer will pay, you don’t have a very reliable fighting force. Not to mention, those mercenaries were left in the lurch after their use was over. Carthage was only good to and for her citizens. They were an arrogant culture, but still…

Thanatos simply shrugged off the destruction, and reminded us of Carthage’s child sacrifices; which was one of the main reasons the city-state was so prosperous, the fact that no nation lasts forever, and that Rome’s ‘day in the sun’ also came to a pretty nasty conclusion. I have no comment on Stefan’s many rather cruel responses to Thanatos’ reminders of Carthage’s choice of bequeathments to Baal Hammon and Tanit; which were of course; in very bad taste, although Stefan’s sarcasm had a ring of truth. (You could have a child sacrificed, up to age four. After that, too much was vested in them, and they were starting to become useful, so you can’t kill that. OK, that was one of the things he said. I lied, about not commenting, OK?)

We spent the rest of the visit enjoying the scenery, and I was trying very hard to not dwelling on the city’s eminent destruction.


When we got back to Tech Duinn, we landed in our garden and took a leisurely walk. “Carthage had a pretty good government,” said Deliah. “Everyone was happy with it, and there were never any overthrows or rebellions.”

“Good libraries, too,” said Thanatos. “A very good education system. I must say that I do find their tendencies of charbroiling their children a bit appalling, however.”

Stefan said, “It’s also interesting how soft of a life many house slaves had, from a late 20th, early 21st century perspective. It was better than being an upper middle class wage slave when I was alive. They had so much more time, and fewer responsibilities.”

“All depends on your priorities,” said Thanatos.

“Looking back on playing the game, I think I was pretty stupid. How many years did I waste on Carl? How much time and effort for a stupid relationship that went nowhere?” asked Stefan.

I wrapped myself around him, and we all stopped for it. “Hey! He brought us a little closer together in a crazy sort of way. Carl wasn’t enough for you, and he kind of forced you to remember me a little better, so you sought me out that much the more for consolation, not that I was that good at giving it at the time, I’m sorry to say. He inspired you to put me on the undeserved pedestal you put me on. Anyway, he was a good person. Not for you maybe, but he deserved the start you gave him.”

“Yeah, I guess there’s no point in regretting it. After all, he did save me a few mechanics bills, and he did motivate me to do more drawings of you in the worst possible way.”

“I don’t mind them any more,” I said. “I’m not the same man as I was when I wrote my version of The Xanon Chronicles.”

I got a set of fangs across my neck. ‘So might I ever get a two on one with you and Thanatos?’ he sent me non-verbally.

I looked at him, in shock. I said aloud, “Do you have any idea how logistically awkward that would be?” (At the time, the concept did not appeal to me. Later. .well, that was later.)

“What?” asked Deliah, confused at my seemingly ‘non sequitur’ remark.

Thanatos looked at her. “Stef’s hounding Donn for a two on one.”

"You know him only too well," I said sardonically.

“Two on one. Oooooh! That would be nice,” said Deliah. She turned her head, and looked

at Thanatos. “How do you feel about it?”

Thanatos turned to Stefan, and closed his eyes. “Could be all right, I guess.”

“So I can have the two fanged ones later?” asked Deliah.

Stefan scowled. “Not quite what I had in mind, but I guess you gotta start somewhere.”

I chuckled a little at the verbal sparring that was ensuing.

Deliah shook her right hand at him, with index finger extended. “One of these days, Stefan! One of these days!”

Stefan cocked his head, and smiled. “So Del! Who do you want as your satellite, and who's the main man, first?

She placed her fingertips under Stefan’s jaw, and raised it ever so slightly. “After what you just said? You can be the one not having sex first, you little shitster. Maybe not at all.”

Stefan caressed her wrist. “No problem. I’ll just de-sensitise myself, and I won’t even bother getting undressed.”

Deliah stood on her toes, and gave Stefan a kiss on the nose. “I’d hate you, if I didn’t love you so much,” she said.

“Thanks! I try hard.”

“Yes, you’re very trying,” she said.

I said, “So I guess I'll see you guys a little later?”

"You're invited if you change your mind," said Deliah."

"No!" I said.

“And you’ll be keeping yourself entertained, how?” Stefan asked me.

“Hesper! I think I want to spend some time with him.”


I spent a bit of time sponging Hesper down in the spa, then dried him off, gave him an intense brushing and currycomb session, I silvered his hooves, and took him to Tir na nOg.

With permission, I asked to put a stunt-riding harness on him, and he acquiesced. I kissed him on the cheek, and sent him a picture of what I wanted us to do. He loped off slowly, I ran beside him, and hoisted myself onto his back none too gracefully. Yes, I'd had combat riding lessons from Macha, but this wasn't the same. After that, I tried different postures, like holding on to him from one side, then the other; switching over while Hesper was cantering along. I tried standing up, and different seating styles, and is it necessary to say that I took quite a few falls? At least the lush grass made a good landing pad.

I only wore a pair of running shorts for the practise. I wore no shoes as to lesson the risk of injury to my beloved companion, and for the best traction I could get. I should probably have read up on stunt riding, or gone to a few shows, but no! I had an idea of what I wanted to do in my mind’s eye, and it was easier than ice-skating, wasn’t it? I mean, the moves were less complex, weren’t they?

I ended up time tripping out of there, and hitting the gymnastic equipment before long. Yes, I did end up watching other people perform at various Olympic games, and getting better at handling myself on the equipment, before I attempted anything on Hesper again.

It wasn’t too hard. All I needed was the beam (I had it fifty-four inches from the ground), and the uneven parallel bars. After all, I had a damn good strength-weight ratio, agility, and I already could do all kinds of killer moves because of my ice skating experience. For this, I was in footless, and sleeveless leotards. I’d dress up more after I figured out what the hell I was doing.


“This wasn't what I had in mind when I pictured a two on one. I don't know if this is such a great idea,” said Stefan. Stefan lay on top of the covers of his bed with his hands clasped under his head, still fully dressed, except for his boots. Deliah was next to him, and Thanatos next to her, both under cover. This was a first time Stefan had done this, it was not the combination of lovers he wanted, and he was feeling a bit like a third wheel, being his participation had been minimal.

“I wouldn’t say that,” said Deliah. “You two were great.”

Stefan turned on his side, and propped his head up with his left arm. “If I were a Earthling still and not capable of deadening mineself, me thinks this would have driven me nuts. And I wanted to gently torture the now jaded Thanatos, not you.”

“You didn't torture me. In fact, you added a nice touch, you little bastard. And before you say you don’t want to do this again, why don’t you try being the completely passive party next time?”

“Only fair, huh?” asked Stefan.

“I think so,” said Thanatos.

Stefan pointed at Thanatos. “And you! You’re more beautiful to watch than the most striking dance routine I ever saw on Earth.”

“Please don’t paint anything we just did.”

“Not planning on it,” said Stefan. “No matter how many times I see you, you never cease blowing me away, with the way you flow. I’m also eager to evolve higher so we can get back to The White City. How much longer, until we can go without getting psychologically reamed?”

“Little bit more,” said Thanatos. “Our stay this time around won’t be half as long as the last time. There’re a lot of things that won’t have to be worked through, since they’ve already been dealt with the first time around, even though you can’t consciously remember your little victories.”

Stefan sat up, and put his back against his pillow, which he propped up against the headboard. He materialised a proverbial cup of tea for himself. Creamed China black. “So strange, talking about time spans, when they really don’t exist.”

“Linear perspective, love,” said Thanatos.

He had a sip of his tea. “There is nothing I’d rather do, than blend with you two, right now.”

“Finish your tea, and let’s go Astral. I’ll keep you both from passing out after,” said Thanatos.

“Uh...can you give us a little more time, and Stefan! Can I have you intimately the second before we go Astral?” asked Deliah.

Stefan scowled. He re-sensitised himself, and shivered as his ability to feel were restored. “I guess so. Thanatos! The Astral Plane is higher than The White City. Why does it rip us to shreds to come back from The City, and not the Low Astral?”

“It’s just another perspective issue. The realms of the White City are the best of the best that you’re familiar with. Yes, the Low Astral is just a step above, but it’s so alien to you, that your conscious mind doesn’t know how to react. The Astral adventures are akin to a drug trip, I guess, although that’s a lousy analogy with you.”

Stefan looked at the dying fire, and materialised more wood. He had a little more tea, put the cup down, and got under the covers as he dematerialised his clothes. “You’re right. It is.”

Deliah turned away from Stefan. “OK! Go for it, Red Tail. Get in me. Now!”

Stefan gently embraced her. “Give me a minute.”

Thanatos simply lay back and closed his eyes. “I’ll take us Astral the minute you two hit the border.”

Stefan asked, “Us two, or us three?”

“Three,” confessed Thanatos. “But I’m going completely vicarious now. I did enough work, thank you.”

Stefan gently scraped his fangs over Deliah’s shoulder, and complied with her request. He held her close to himself, and ended up with Deliah cursing him to the high heavens for his frustratingly delicate, painfully self-conscious style, in the Deliah fashion. It was hilarious, and she temporarily disabled Stefan, she had him laughing so hard, having insulted his masculinity, his femininity, and his nose-culinity; which was ‘fightin’ words.’ They had a bit of fun with the verbal antics, and the session went not quite the way anyone thought it would, not that this was a bad thing.

Yes, Stefan’s style was delicate, but ultimately quite effective.

It did enhance the Astral transfer.


I ended up being a potential contender on the uneven parallel bars, and the beam. I had a few serious accidents with the beam, but hey! It took less than a second for me to fix the broken bones, and I didn't knock myself out.

After I managed to execute an aerial, and handspring both backward and forward on the beam, ten consecutive times, gracefully, without falling on the floor, I deemed myself ready to try my stuff on a moving pony one more time.

I went through the drill again with Hesper. First, I was dressed down again in only the running shorts, then I added leotards with soft sole moccasin boots, then in a modified version of my tunic, where it was a slip over the head type thing, as opposed to a wrap around that was kept in place with belt.

To my perspective, I think I was gone for the equivalent of three months. To anyone at Tech Duinn, it would have seemed perhaps I’d left for a few hours. When I got back with Hesper, I spoiled that pony silly. If he’d still been interested in eating, I swear I would have squeezed a couple of gallons of fresh orange juice for him by hand. Gods, what a fine animal!

Chapter 2

Stefan alone came to me, when I signalled my return. We exchanged kissing each other on the nose, and Stefan said, “Than and Del are with Cleo and Alex of Mecedonia.”

“Surprised you’re not with them.”

“Told them they can tell me about it. I just had to see you. You changed your tunic!”

“Oh! Sorry!” I dematerialised the one I was wearing, and re-materialised the wrap around, simultaneously. “Better?”


“Needed the other one for a practise session with Hesper. I decided to take on another hobbie.”

“With Hesper?” Stefan asked.

“Stunt riding. I time tripped to learn it.”

“I think I’m gonna like watching this.”

“I hope so. Gods, that was a painful learning experience.”

“You took a few falls, huh?”

“Yeah. I ended up practising my moves on a balance beam. Easier on Hesper, and harder on me. You tend to break things if you hit the beam on the way down.”

“I don’t think I want to know,” said Stefan.

“I know you don’t want to know.”

“Being you’re not exactly jumping up and down to give me a demo, I assume you want a little break before putting on a show.”

“You deduce correctly,” I said. “I’m burned out.”

“You really pushed yourself.”

“Hm hm. Mind if we just kick back, somewhere?”

“Want a backrub?”

I chuckled. “You got me at a weak moment, with that suggestion. Definitely.”

“Maybe I can goad you to sleep, and you’ll wake up rarin’ to show me what you just taught yourself.”

“If that’s an invitation for more intricate intimacy, I’m not turning that down, either.”

Stefan took my hand, and we ended up in his room. He re-lit the burned out fire, telekinetically. “Considering I just spent hell knows how long wishing Deliah was you, I'm game. What gender do you want?”

I tilted my head, and smiled. “I’m feeling very lazy, right now. I’m psychologically fried. Like when you were alive when you had that year-end disaster, and you had to work forty-five days in a row? It doesn’t matter. You’re not getting screwed in the vaguest sense, and I don’t want you on top, either.”

He gave me a playful snarl. “I know what you want, and I don’t have to read your mind. What flavour oil for the massage?”

“Attar of noses, (Yes, Stefan was definitely a bad influence on us.) please! Thanks, Stef.” I unbelted my tunic, and sat on the bed. I was in complete surrender to Stefan, and damn; he was good! I'd make it up to him/her/it, later.


Back from their meeting with Cleopatra and Alexander the Great, Thanatos and Deliah sat on the couch in front of the perpetually burning fireplace. “I would have hated to be either one of them,” said Deliah.

“I don’t blame you.”

“What a shame, that Alexander was goaded into that kind of a life. Such an intelligent, innately just, unselfish individual turning into a complete egomaniacal, alcoholic, genocidal psychotic! I’m glad he’s OK, now.”

“Aye, he’s got Bucephalous, Hephaestion, and Roxane forever more. I betcha he could give us a run for our nose hairs (Stefan, again. His lingo was addictive.), on the chessboard,” said Thanatos.

“I wish I’d thought of playing him. The world’s greatest strategist!”

“Actually, that’s Macha. There’s always later. Macha might want to play him, too,” said Thanatos.

“And what a lady Cleopatra was. It seems like people have really gotten stupider through the ages.”

“People really started suffering in the later twentieth century. Tainted food. All the toxic artificial flavours, colours and neurotoxins?! That contributed to the so called decrease in aptitude. People in the first world countries also got lazy. You were never there, but the United States was the worst offender.”

“Never had the time to go there.”

Thanatos chuckled. “You never had the motivation. You could have done anything.”

“True. I was basically a homebody-slash-school-girl. I admit it. My books, my university, or my life.”

Thanatos caressed her hair. “Good life.”

Deliah wrapped herself around him, and he returned the embrace. “I’m not complaining.”

They stayed like that a while, becoming one in mind.


I awoke from one of the sweetest, most peaceful dreams I’d ever had, and to a heavily oiled hand, going down my shoulder. I inhaled the overpowering rose scent, with relish. “Mmmmm! How long have you been working on me, Stef.”

“Not too long, this time around. How do you feel?”

I rolled over on my back. “Very nice, thank you. Shall I return the favour?”

“By showing me what you can do with Hesper, now. My curiosity is killing me.”

“I do have to wear the modified tunic,” I said. “The other one would fall apart on me.”

“Tea first?” Of course!

I sat up, and smiled. “You know me better than I know myself, some times.”

Stefan also sat up, with a cup of creamed jasmine appearing in his hand, in seconds. “Let’s go Astral the next time we do this.”

“Love to. And for the preliminaries, you are going to be completely passive, OK?” White tea, for me!


“Well, as passive as you can stand. We have to go off the island for my exhibition with Hesper. No place to do it, here.”

“Tir na nOg?” asked Stefan.

“That’s where I practised. That’s an ideal location.”

“What motivated you to torture yourself like this?”

“I just figured it was time for a new creative endeavour.”

“I don’t think I’ll join you in this one.” said Stefan. “I have less tolerance to pain than you.”

“I don’t like pain, either. I just wanted to learn this as fast as possible, so I took the directest route there is with no break time. I probably won’t ever do anything like this again for any reason. It was a real bitch.”

“I wish you’d let me watch you get to where you are.”

“No you don’t. I beat myself up pretty bad in the process. Trust me!”

“Since you put it that do you perform on the bars and beam?”

“I’d rather not. It was a necessary evil. You’ve seen it on TV as a kid, anyway. I’m better of course, but all it was, was a couple of training tools. I just needed to get my self-confidence up to par in performing my stuff on the back of a pony instead of on the ice.”

Stefan slurped up his tea. “This sounds awesome,” he said, before sending his cup off to the Netherworlds.

I didn’t finish mine, and just dematerialised the half full cup. “Let’s go. We can show the rest of the guys, later.”


Hesper was pretty eager to do this. He caught our excitement, and ended up feeling it himself.

I signalled him to just keep going at a slow canter, and to come back to me when I was on the ground. It worked beautifully.

His harness had two holds for me on his back, and two on each side. I easily mounted him, as he glided along. I got as intricate as I could in my demo, and found I had to ditch the tunic, being it got in the way, and was not appropriate for this sort of performance. I continued on in my leotard stockings, and soft-soled boots. They were like ballet boots. Quite appropriate!

I showed off my ability of mounting a cantering horse, getting off via a handspring, or aerial, riding on Hespers side in different positions, going under him when he was at a fast run, and a graceful dance on his back, part of it from a standing position, and part of it kneeling. I also did a few slow, gentle flips on his back.

When I finished I just had to flaunt my new abilities to the hilt, I dismounted via a backward aerial, and I landed fairly close to Stefan, but not close enough to mess with him.

He looked stunned. “Gods above and below! I never could have imagined..."

“Glad you liked it.” I said.

“When are you going to put a show on for everyone else?”

“How’s about as soon as Macha and Kevalyn come back from gallivanting around the galaxy?”

Stefan closed his eyes. “Hm. Yeah! How do they stay Astral so long without Thanatos?”

I shrugged. “Maybe he taught them. I mean, what they’re doing is potentially critical. They’re finding out a lot of information that most of us don’t have access to.”

Stefan stroked Hesper. “I hope they paint some of the stuff they’ve seen.”

“Probably. Kev is the most prolific landscape artist I’ve heard of.” I dematerialised Hesper’s harness, and materialise a soft bristled brush. I started working on him. In this go-around, Kevalyn’s art was also all over my walls, and it was damn good.

“Hm.” Stefan set himself up, and started working on the other side of Hesper. We synchronised ourselves, to give Hesper a concurrent brush down in stereo. We didn’t say anything, concentrating on giving the pony everything he wanted.

The three of us would end up in the whirlpool.


Macha and Kevalyn materialised themselves on the edge of a cliff, overlooking a sea. “Ye gods! What colour do you call that sky?” asked Kevalyn.

“Glorp, for all I know. It’s not based on the primary colours of home, so we’d have to invent something new.”

“It’s indescribable. It’s incredible, and gorgeous. I have to make a new paint colour, to get this down.”

“This here is quite an impressive scene,” said Macha.

“Yeah. Let’s scope out some of the wildlife, and go home.”

“Good idea.”


As we were sponging down Hesper, Stefan asked me, “You know, there’s a question that’s been puzzling me for my whole life.”

“Are you sure you’re asking the right individual, with me?”

“No harm in trying, is there?”

“No. Shoot!”

“You know, sometimes when you have the choice of do good, do evil, or walk away?” asked Stefan.

“Hm hm.”

“How would you rate the ‘walk away’ factor?”

“Bad. Real bad.”


I looked him in the eye. “Just ask Pontius Pilate, huh?”

He smiled sadly. “Gods, you’re brilliant,” he almost whispered.

“You always thought it was a third option.”

“I guess it’s not.”

“Not really. The end result is often the same. It can result in death.”

Stefan ran his sponge down Hesper’s neck. “I think I would still have walked away, if I’d hated a certain person.”

I put my forearms on Hesper’s back. “What if you’d been Sabina (Hadrian’s bitchy wife.) in a past life?” I asked, because Stefan now adored Hadrian, and Sabina had loathed him.

“Donn, I think I’m going to cry.”

“If you do, I’ll probably be inclined to join you.”

“Then maybe we should change the subject, and I’ll think about all of this later when I’m alone.”

I resumed sponging down the pony. “Thank you. I don’t feel like being depressed, right now.”

“At times like this, you seem so much different from the Donn Ui’Midir of the Xanon Chronicles.”

“How so?”

“You remind me more of Thanatos.”

I smiled. “That’s the ultimate compliment, love. Thanks.”

“You’re welcome, but I don’t think so. There’s a loftier compliment that you’ve given me.”

“I doubt it.”

“How about the time you implied one of my nostrils contained the universe?”

“I will not throw my sponge at him, I will not throw my sponge at him...”

Stefan laughed. “Better?”

I chuckled, myself. “Much. Thanks.”

Hesper nickered.

I scratched him behind the ears, and kissed him on the nose. “Just talking about things that you already know about, babe.” I sent the stallion waves of love and gratitude. I got the same back from him. “We’re going to be working together a bit more, OK?”

Fine by the pony, if he was going to be getting more of this sort of treatment. He’d do overtime, in fact.

“You know, you were as graceful on Hesper as Thanatos is all the time?” asked Stefan.

“That’s what I was aiming for. There, and on the ice. I can’t do it all the time, though. I’m not that self-disciplined.”

Stefan ran his sponge over Hesper’s back. “There’s one more thing.”


“You and Thanatos! I have never felt more appreciated by anyone, than you two.”

“And you only devoted more than half your life to us when you were on Earth. Mostly me, know.”

Hesper chose now, to almost push me over. He whinnied, and he sent me a picture of wanting to be dried off.

“Looks like your liege is done with his bath,” said Stefan.

“Apparently.” I stepped back, and Hesper walked out of the spa.

Stefan and I followed him, and materialised a couple of towels. Hesper walked toward the door, where there was less steam, and we dried him off. After that, I opened the door, and Hesper walked out to hell knows where.

Stefan walked back into the water, and I followed him. I sat beside him, and we looked at each other. I smiled. “Stephanie?”

‘She’ smiled back.

I extended my arms to her. “Thanks for everything.”

She faced me, and sat in my lap. As we embraced each other, she said, “Thank you, more.”

I kissed her on the neck. “Your welcome. Any time."

We went Astral.

Chapter 3

After me and Stefan woke up from our Astral conclusion, we found Macha and Kevalyn had returned, and we beckoned Thanatos and Deliah. We met in the garden. “Donn’s got a killer new distraction, and it’s really worth witnessing a demo,” said Stefan.

“Stunt riding,” said Thanatos. “Yes, I believe it is. It’s also an incentive to get other individuals of interest here with exhibitions.”

“I’d love to see it. And maybe after, all six of us can go Astral, so me and Kev can review to you guys all we’ve seen on our trip?”

“That would be great,” said Deliah.

“Of course, we have to go to Tir na nOg for the exhibition,” I said.

“Can we have a picnic, too?” asked Deliah.

“I don’t see why not,” I said.

“Oh yeah! I’ve got a great new idea for a concoction for the picnic. I guarantee none of you has had it,” said Stefan.

“Hopefully, we will consider this edible,” I said. “I’m surprised I survived your idea of salsa. Are you sure you didn’t get the jalapeño and the habañeros mixed up?”

“I loved it,” said Kevalyn.

Yeah, Stefan and Kevalyn went through it like there was no tomorrow. “I’m sorry, but I’ve never had the opportunity to get used to that kind of food. Irish diets are pretty bland by comparison,” I said.

“You guys do have good pastries,” said Stefan.

I chuckled. “Aye, Irish cooking doesn’t hold a candle to Asian, Greek, Italian, or French. I can read between the lines, and I can’t argue. I will also agree with the good pastries. So, what do you have in mind, Stefan?”

“Tropical fruit salad. Lichee, jackfruit, pineapple, young coconut, mango, rambutan, durian, and passion fruit in coconut juice with whipped cream, and cherry on top,” said Stefan.

“I’ve never heard of half that stuff,” said Macha.

Stefan looked at her. “Macha, when you were a kid, you had no idea what a banana was.”

“True,” said Macha.

I closed my eyes, and signalled Hesper. The stallion was rarin’ to go, and it was quite clear to him that an out of this world ‘payback’ would come later.


This time, I knew how to dress. I just wore a complete (black and silver) leotard outfit, and those soft soled boots. I was dressed like a ballet dancer.

Hesper cantered in a circle, as I did my thing. I basically executed a dance on the pony’s back, along with some tricks that would be very useful to a fourteenth century warrior on horseback, with the manoeuvres I did on ‘side-riding’. I went heavy on the acrobatics, and I saved the dramatic dismounts and remounts for the end, and Hesper loped back and forth for those.

Even Thanatos was blown away.

“That was quite an exhibit,” said Thanatos, after we were done.

“Think it’s worth inviting any of our past Tech Duinn visitors over for?” I asked.

“Most definitely,” said Thanatos. “Along with future ones, we haven’t thought of yet. You’re performance was fantastic.”

“You know, I found ice skating harder to learn.” I said.

“You were probably so good at this, because you are such a good skater,” said Macha. “I mean, you do aerials on the ice, and you used them to dismount.”

“It’s a Hell of a longer drop from the back of a pony,” I said.

“A little more than four and a half feet. You’re pretty amazing,” said Deliah.

“You could do it too, if you applied yourself,” I said.

“Thanks, but no thanks,” she replied.

I smiled. “That’s probably a sign of intelligence,” I said. “It was a torturous experience getting to where I’m at, though I did rush the training a bit.”

“Now, about that picnic?! I’m dying for some of Stef’s fruit salad,” said Macha.

“Sure, lets,” I said.

We set up a couple of tables, and materialised our own non-carnivorous contribution to the meal. We’d all gone completely vegetarian real early in the game, this time around.

The fruit salad was great.


When we got back to Tech Duinn, Kevalyn made sure she landed next to me, when I sat down on the couch. “Verrrrrrgil!”


She put her arm around me. “You were verrrrrry good in your performance.”

"Yes. I am aware of that. And?"

Everyone else was studying us intently. What sort of situation comedy was this going to be?

"Can I give you a back rub?"

Like I could turn that down? Wellllllll. . ."Are you any good?"

"Ask Macha."

Macha said, "She's excellent. As good as you."

I looked at her. "Only a backrub?!"

"Dude, your plumbing is wrong for anything else."

I sighed. "I don't even use that most of the time that I'm the aggressor, but OK. I'm a sucker for a backrub. Will you be as good as you were with Macha despite the fact I'm the wrong gender?"

"I can't answer that."

I scowled. “I’ll switch gender, if you switch gender. How’s that?” I asked.

“Deal!” said Kevalyn.

“Are you taking numbers?” asked Macha of me.

“What is this? Just because I take up a new hobbie, I have to surrender to everyone to do hell knows what with me??”

“No,” said Thanatos. “I couldn’t care less.”

I thought for a moment, looking for a witty reply. The best I could come up with, was, “Figures! And you’re the only one that I want right now.”

“Yeah, right.” said Thanatos with a chuckle.

“Yes, I am being sarcastic. Kev, I’d love for you can give me a backrub, and quite frankly I'd really rather stay as I am, and I don't care what you are, or become, or not become."

A cup of creamed jasmine appeared in her hand, and she raised it. “Of course! Thank you, love.”

Creamed black lichee for me! I clinked my cup gently against hers, and put my arm around her. ‘Here’s to our first moment of this type of intimacy, though platonic it shall be,’ I sent her, telepathically. Or so was the intent. It really didn’t end up like that.

She smiled, and ran her hand through my hair.

Yeah, she was pretty good, but in reality I was better. I did giving her way more than just a backrub, though it's not that we technically consummated anything. Like I was going to throw away a chance to completely explore than gorgeous creature the first time the opportunity presented its self? Ye gods, and I got back at least as much as I got, plumbing be damned!


Later, Stefan and I were grooming Hesper on dry land in Tir na nOg, and Deliah was with us. “So, when are you up to giving a public performance?” asked Deliah.

I looked into her. “You’re just dying to meet Antinous again, huh?”

“I think I want to paint him,” she said.

“I can understand that,” I said.

“When I saw his statue, I wanted to do a Hell of a lot more than paint him,” said Stefan. “I used to be the wrong gender, though.”

Deliah laughed. “He’d also been dead close to two thousand years, my dear, not to mention his loyalty to Hadrian could not be swayed under torture.”

“Minor details,” said Stefan. “I think that Donn and Thanatos leave Antinous in the dust aesthetically, by a sixteenth of a notch, or so.”

Both Deliah and I laughed at Stefan’s statement. “Yeah,” I said. “Now, let’s design me a riding costume,”

“Why?!” asked Stefan. “You looked absolutely killer in those black and silver leotards, and boots.”

“Too good for my own good,” I said. “If you guys hassle me after each performance, either I no longer do my thing with any audience, or I become like the Donn Ui’Midir of the first three books in my Xanon Chronicles.”

“You wouldn’t?!” asked Stefan.

I hesitated, and smiled. No, I wasn’t into that sort of self-deprivation this time around. Not with the likes of my household, anyway. “Probably not,” I said. I started brushing out Hesper’s mane. I kissed the pony on his cheek. “You’re loving this, aren’t you, baby,” I asked Hesper.

He whickered a response. Hell knows what he said, but I got myself gently nudged. I looked into his mind, and yes, the pony was in seventh heaven. I hugged him, sent him telepathic waves of love, and went back to work on his mane.

Deliah said, “Stef, can you give me your currycomb, and we switch places for a while?”

Stefan gave Hesper one last series of strokes, and turned to Deliah. He handed to currycomb to her, and sat in the grass. “I guess so.”

Deliah started going over Hespers rear. “Gods, he is such a nice pony. He’s almost a person.”

“He was probably the best treated pony in all of Ireland when we were on Earth,” I said. II also wouldn’t insult him like you just did.

“Ah yes. Sorry, Hesper. Did you let him in the house often?” asked Deliah.

“Depends on where I was. Not at Bri Leith, but if we were staying in one of our cottages, I let him in every chance I could. I used to cut up fruit for him, and all kinds of stuff. If I’d known what I know now, he probably would have gotten more fruit juice than water. I’d also have given him a bucket of that killer fruit salad that Stef materialised for the last picnic, every day.” I said.

Deliah now kissed Hesper, and she got gently nosed by him. “If your parents had allowed it, I assume you would have had him in bed with you even then.”

I chuckled. “If the bed or pallet had been big enough, and if it wasn’t raining. I wasn’t about to have a wet pony in my bed or on my pallet, who’d just come back from relieving himself.”

“I ought to spend more time with my lovely steed,” said Deliah.

“Our ponies will never be like Hesper,” said Stefan. “They like getting spoiled now and then, but they like being mostly left to their own devices. I mean, look how often they show up on their own accord.”

“Very rare. You have a good point,” said Deliah. “Hesper, on the other hand...”

“Rules me like a knight, his page,” I said.

“Be glad,” said Stefan. “Imagine if our ponies were like Percy.”

Deliah said. “Thank the gods, Percy is a cat, and not a horse.”

“You’re telling me,” I said.

Hesper pawed the ground, and snorted. He wanted the grooming to end, and he sent me a picture of wanting to lie in the shade of a grove of trees to the right of us, with us beside him. “Grooming over,” I said, as I dematerialised my brush. I pointed to where Hesper wanted to go. “He wants to go over to the trees.”

Stefan got up. “Good idea.”

Deliah dematerialised the currycomb, and the four of us walked over to the grove. When Hesper lay down, we surrounded him, using him as a backrest, or a pillow, or whatever. He was relishing every minute of it! Hesper was a real attention hog.

“So, does anyone have an idea for a stunt-riding costume?” I asked.

“You could dress like the bull jumpers of Crete,” suggested Deliah.

“You wish,” I said. They wore only girded loincloths. “I dressed close to that when I was first learning.”

“And you didn’t invite me?”

“Del, I wanted to learn what I was doing, and not be interrupted by a nymphomaniac after every move that turned her on; not that I don’t enjoy your attentions, but there’s a time and a place for everything.”

“About your moves turning me on, that’s about all of them,” said Deliah.

“That would have been so productive to my training. I do think of other things, you know.”

“Much too often for my taste," said Deliah. So when are you putting on a show for some people outside of our family?”

“Aye,” said Stefan. “I want to meet George Sand and Victor Hugo, again.”

“It’s so fascinating to get the outlooks from the different eras and cultures, huh?” asked Deliah.

“Nice to get the truth of what actually happened, instead of the bunch of speculative hype you got on Earth,” I said.

“Let’s see if we can get Theodora, Hypatia, and Catherine the Great,” said Stefan.

“Excellent choice,” I said. “I’ve been curious about them, myself. Next time we talk to Thanatos, let’s see if he can track them down and talk them into coming by for a visit.”

“Stefan’s fruit salad alone should be enough of a motivating factor,” said Deliah.

“More so than my riding?” I asked.

“Too close to call,” said Deliah.

“Thanks,” I said.

“Donn, you and Thanatos, and Stefan and Kevalyn are a fruit salad,” said Deliah

I chuckled slightly, and Stefan totally busted up. “Gods, Del! I couldn’t have said it better myself!” he said.

I shook my head. “Del, you know damn well that one of us generally changes gender for the sake of polarity.”

“But not always, as if that makes a difference,” she said.

“She does have a point,” said Stefan.

“True,” I said. “I find Stefan’s nose no less attractive, regardless of what gender it’s host and servant happens to be at the time.”

Actually, I thought Stefan was more attractive as a dude this time around from a sheer aesthetic perspective, in addition to my last stint in this theoretical, illusory timeframe of my existence. It’s just, that if he were a dude, and I was a dude, it sometimes curtailed our options in bed a little, since there were a few things the two of us didn’t do as much, since they took so much exorbitant preparation and care so that no discomfort would be involved. We got a little more reckless when there was polarity. Well, yeah, and I was still more turned on by the female form, though I had to admit with Stefan...or Stephanie rather, her form looked barely female. With her definition and narrow hips, she might as well have been a dude who'd had an industrial accident who had been 'reassigned'. With the low fat percentage she wore, she also barely had breasts, but oh well. That wasn't one of my major hang-ups.

I must admit it wasn't my favourite look for the female form, but I didn't mind. She had the build of an athlete who started young. It wasn't bad. Keith, however, thought a chick couldn't get much hotter...for more reasons than one...and for some of those reasons I would have to agree.

Stefan looked as happy as a cat with a cooked lobster in front of it. “Compliments like that, will get you everywhere.”

“Don’t I know it,” I said. “I don’t know about the rest of you, but...” I materialised a cup of white tea. “I could use a cup of tea.” My heroin. Or should I say, ‘our’ heroin?

Great idea,” said Deliah.

Both her and Stefan materialised their flavour of choice.


Kevalyn was at her canvass, while Macha and Thanatos were watching. “Why are the colours on Earth so limited? I mean, there are so many more,” asked Kevalyn.

“That’s all that was necessary,” said Thanatos.

“I saw them on acid trips,” said Kevalyn.

“That was a counterproductive game to play,” said Thanatos. “Barring shamanistic training, hurrying aspects of evolution by artificial means wasn’t a smart thing to do. Glad you got out of it OK and knocked it off after too long. It really messes some people up.”

“I’m glad I knocked it off, too,” said Kevalyn. Kevalyn just started applying the paint.

“That is so cool,” said Thanatos. “Next time you guys go off gallivanting across the universe, take me with you, huh?”

“Haven’t you seen it all?” asked Kevalyn.

“I am NOT my grandparent. Not all. I’ve seen a lot, but very little by the standards of the eternity Chaos is,” said Thanatos. "Then again, Chaos did put it all together."

“I’m beginning to have déjà vu experiences regarding what I’ve read in the Xanon Chronicles,” said Kevalyn. “Am I beginning to remember?”

“Sounds like it. Things will slowly start to integrate, and clarify. You’re moving pretty fast.”

“Aye,” said Macha. “The series is still pretty alien to me, despite what I learned from it.”

“Take my word for it,” said Thanatos. “You are much easier to live with, this time around.”

“And you won’t go flat or celibate on me?”

“Hell no,” said Thanatos. “Our relationship has never been this good.”

“Too bad I’ll never see a sword dance with you two,” said Kevalyn.

“We could put on a show to entertain you, once or twice,” said Thanatos. “Just don’t expect Macha to sling me over her shoulder, and carry me off, anymore. She couldn’t beat me in the ring now, anyway.”

“Will both of you wear your sexiest battle clothes?” asked Kevalyn.

“Can be arranged,” said Macha. “Shall I carry you off after the performance...Kevin?”

Kevalyn chuckled. “Fine by me.”

Macha cocked her head, and smiled. “Of course, you could take Than’s sword after the show, and I could defeat you in a few moments, and carry you off as the conquered spoils to make it official.”

“I can live with that. After this painting, maybe?” asked Kevalyn.

Thanatos chuckled. “You two are something else.”

“I would hope so,” said Kevalyn. “I was never one to fit in the crowd.”


Me, Stef and Del left Hesper in Tir na nOg. It was a wonderful place for equines, as well as everything else. It’s just that the three of us personoids took even greater delight in our little virtual museum of Tech Duinn. Apparently we all had a little bit of ‘Goth’ in us.

It was late afternoon, and a storm had just come in. Stefan had done a weather-check the second we landed. “Electrical storm. Garden, or tower?” he asked.

“How about garden?” asked Deliah. “I love watching those things from under a gazebo.”

“How about setting up a table under the Japanese one, and having a ritual set of tea and scones?” asked Stefan.

“Sounds good to me. I’d love a black current scone,” I said.

“Mango,” said Stefan.

“Raspberry,” said Deliah.

We all held hands, and off we were.


Macha was standing next to Kevalyn. The painting was halfway done. “Gods, you really do the view we saw, justice. That is beautiful.”

“Thanks,” said Kevalyn.

Macha went back to Thanatos, and sat by him. She ran her hand gently across his back, and he looked at her. ‘Can she finish the painting, first?’ he sent her.

‘We could time trip,’ said Macha.

‘I want to watch the whole procedure of the painting, so I guess we could time trip out of here right now, and come back to this moment.’

‘Fine by me.’


Like the fools we were, we went temperature sensitive. Stefan was already dressed for the occasion, simply wearing thermals under his ebon silks and velvet, with his almost perpetual cloak in place. He’d taken his right glove off to hold his scone.

Del and I ended up wearing cloaks ourselves, but no thermals. Thermal underwear and my tunic would not have mixed. I suppose I could have worn a leine at full length with thermals, so not to look too silly, but nah! I’d take delight in sitting in front of a fire, after we were out of here, which I sensed, would be a while.

I dunked my scone, as the sky lit up. “Gods, existence doesn’t get any better,” I said.

“Let’s wait for nightfall,” said Stefan.

“Hell, yeah,” agreed Deliah.

I raised my teacup. “To freezing our asses off.”

“It’s not that bad,” said Deliah. “Probably in the low fifties, Fahrenheit.”

“Good to run in,” I said. “Just sitting around, though...”

“I think it would be a trip to walk back to the castle, and hit the whirlpool after this,” said Deliah.

Not what I was planning, but it sounded goo. “Sure,” I said.

“Then let’s hunt down Thanatos, and see if he can get some more cool people from our history to come to your next show,” said Deliah.

“And how about some who hadn’t made a name for themselves?” I asked. “There’s a lot of good people who never left their mark on history.”

“Sure,” said Stefan. “I still want to talk to Theodora, though.”

“And Justinian,” said Deliah.

“Oh, yeah,” said Stefan.

“I guess I’ll wear the black leotards again,” I said.

Deliah chuckled. “You look great in those. Sorry Donn, but you’d look sexy in a burlap sack.”

“Like, you wouldn’t?” I asked her.

“‘Tis true,” she said with a smile. “We’re getting a lot of sheet lightning.”

“Nice,” I said. I will not go temperature insensitive, I will not go temperature cetera. Why am I being such an idiot, and freezing my nose hairs off? “Excuse me, but I’m cold!” I switched my tunic to that leine...heavy leine, with thermal underwear underneath, thicker than usual socks, brat, and warmer, cloth lined boots. Much better.

“Cute!” said Stefan.

I smiled. “Well, I’m man enough to wear a dress, OK?”

“Chris Korda would be proud,” said Stefan. (Chris Korda is the transvestite who started The Church Of Euthanasia)

“Yeah, right! He’s never answered my e-mails after I sent him my first story, where I put him, or should I say her or it, in the credits of inspiration. I’m afraid to look, since if the truth is negative, I don’t think I want to know, but I don’t think he thinks that highly of me.”

“So you can take comfort in a trace of doubt,” said Deliah.

I raised my teacup. “Pass the ketchup, huh?” (This was from lyrics from a marginally amusing song, called ‘Fleshdance,’ by The Church Of Euthanasia. I suppose it was inspired by the same line from 'Attack Of The Killer Tomatoes'. It wasn’t the best thing I ever heard. In fact it wasn’t to my taste at all, but the lyrics; which were spoken, and though repetitive; were a trip. It was one of those things you just had to hear once. Maybe twice, because you needed two listens to make sure you heard it right the first time, but that was just me! No accounting for anyone else, huh? Techno just wasn’t my thing.)

Stefan raised his teacup to me. “Not with my scone, thank you,”

I chuckled. “As if!”

We sat there, well into nightfall. When we walked to the castle, the rain must have been coming down half an inch and hour. We were sopping wet, shivering like crazy, and laughing over our own masochistic stupidity.

We ended up prolonging the agony even more, by shedding our clothes one by one in the hall. Entering the steamy room of the spa has NEVER felt so good. What Deliah talked us into after we got comfortable, felt even better.

No, I don’t think I can bear to see what we did in print. Let’s just say it was a bit innovative, and I have no idea if some of the intricacies had even been filmed.

I didn’t think so, considering they were new to me.

Chapter 4

Me, Del and Stefan were called when Kevalyn finished her painting. We came to them right away, eager to see the new work of art.

Seascape from the edge of a cliff! Nice. Indescribable colours not based on anything I’d seen in this remembered version of mine existence. “Let’s all of us go next time, like we allegedly did in The Xanon Chronicles,” I said.

“You went! Don’t worry! You’ll remember it, soon enough. Kevalyn is already getting glimpses,” said Thanatos. He walked over to me, and kissed me on the cheek. “You never used to dress so Irish, after you got here.”

“So I read,” I said, as I put my arm around him. “Thanatos! Stefan wants to meet some more people from history, so do I, and I’m willing to put on a performance for added enticement.”

Thanatos closed his eyes. “Hypatia, Theodora, Justinian the First, and Catherine the Great.” He looked at Stefan. “Stef, do you know what kind of women Kate and Theo were?”

“Intelligent, and very powerful?”

Thanatos smiled. “They may be inclined to put an additional condition on coming with me, kiddo.”

Stefan gave Thanatos a mischievous grin, shrugged, and said, “If they’re any good, why not concede?”

Thanatos shook his head. “I don’t think so. I’ve got a better idea. I’ll promise them that you’ll sleep with them, if they come with me.”

Macha, Deliah, Kevalyn and me chuckled. Stefan was trying hard to look shocked, and not laugh, himself. He didn’t succeed. “Never mind,” he said through some subtle chortles.

“You little shite,” said Thanatos to Stefan.

Stefan managed a scowl, “Well, Theodora...maybe.”

“Uh huh!” said Thanatos. “Anyway, I’ll see what I can do in a little bit. Now, I think we should celebrate the completion of this painting.”

“‘Nother picnic in Tir na nOg?” asked Stefan.

“How about The Elysian Fields, this time?” asked Thanatos.

“Sure,” said Macha. “I can’t tell the difference, except for the accents.”

“Olive trees. Onward,” said Thanatos.


I’d have my first tofu burger on this picnic. Not bad, with avocado, mushrooms sautéed in butter, lettuce, tomato, sliced pickles, mayo, mustard, onions on rye, and a fork. That thing would NOT stay together as a sandwich. Stefan had also gotten me hooked on creamed root beer, with cream added prior to drinking. The root beer was originally very lightly carbonated (with the addition of the cream, that kind of went away), with anise, clove, nutmeg, vanilla, wintergreen, licorice, cinnamon, and all kinds of other things in it.

Stefan and I weren’t quite snuggled against each other. “Where do you come up with this stuff?” I asked him as I held up my glass.

“Deviated snoot beer float. They sell snoot beer with vanilla ice cream, so why not regular heavy whipping cream, un-whipped?”

Yes, everyone else had tried it. I was the only taker, for now. Macha and Kev were working on a stout, and Thanatos and Deliah would be doing lemonade for this meal.

“This is so much fun. I can’t believe you guys got out of this, later in your stay at Tech Duinn,” said Deliah.

“I guess we had different priorities,” I said.

Macha looked at Thanatos. “I can’t believe I treated you the way I did.”

Thanatos shrugged. “Neither one of us knew any better, at the time. Everything’s OK, though. We’re a lot happier this time around, and there really aren’t any conflicts.”

Macha looked at me. “You and I really went after each other, huh?”

I said. “Little bit. I’m glad you let me live, you know?”

“I could never hurt you,” she said.

“What are we doing after this?” asked Deliah.

“I have to see if I can get some people here for Donn’s exhibition with Hesper,” said Thanatos.

“I’m working on choreographing a fixed routine,” I said.

“I’m watching Donn,” said Stefan.

“Same,” said Macha.

“Ditto,” said Kevalyn

“Sounds good to me,” added Del.

“Fine, but I’m NOT doing a production line number on you four after I’m done, OK?”

“What’s that mean?” asked Deliah.

I looked at Stefan, and smiled. “I want only Red Tail, directly after my run.” I sort of wanted him as a ‘her’ right now, but there were priorities to consider.

Stefan kissed me on the cheek. ‘Thanks,’ he sent me.

I rubbed the side of my head against his shoulder. ‘Let’s go Astral, after,’ I sent him.

‘I’d love that. I dig passing out with you.’

‘Hm.’ The feeling was mutual.


Hesper and I tried out five different routines, before we came up with something I was set on.

I really enjoyed these practise sessions, despite the self-discipline they required. They took all the concentration and self-control I had. I had to be hyper-alert, and hyper-aware. I had to gage speed, height, and location. If I made a mistake, I risked a hard landing. I had to have sure footing, and perfect balance at all times. I also had to have an audience that kept its mouth shut, and I did.

Hesper was absolutely wonderful. We might as well have been the same entity. I’d stand, do an aerial, while he was loping along as smooth as an oil slick, and the second I hit the ground, he reared, and returned to me, so I could just hoist myself on his back again, without missing a beat, all as gracefully as Thanatos would have done.

I had to admit I was fairly impressed with myself. My routines all went flawlessly. When I finished, Deliah came up to us, and wrapped herself around Hesper. “If I can’t spoil you, I’ll spoil your dance partner, baby,” she said to me.

I ruffled her hair. “Not that this will get me out of giving this lovely steed a payback, but we both appreciate it.”

“That was all out awesome,” said Kevalyn.

“Too bad Thanatos isn’t here,” said Macha.

“He’ll see the next performance,” I said. “I wonder when he’ll be back?”

“I wonder if he’ll get everyone we wanted?” asked Kevalyn.


Theodora put the consolidated four part book series down. “You’re quite an interesting bunch.”

“We think the same of you two,” said Thanatos to both Theodora, and Justinian.

Theodora looked at Justinian. “They’re intelligent enough to be worth our time, and we get to see one of the best horsemen that ever was, perform.”

“And I’m going to see if I can get Hypatia, Hadrian and Antinous,” said Thanatos.

“Vergil Maro! I’d like to meet him, if you can get him again,” said Justinian.

“This should be an interesting meeting of the minds,” said Theodora.

“If this theoretical crowd gets much bigger, it might be conducive for me to unify us all into one on the Astral, for the information exchanges. I’m sure we’ll all have a ton of questions for each other,” said Thanatos.

“If you can do that, it sounds convenient,” said Theodora. “Will we remember everything on separating?”

“I can break down The Veils, so you will. After all, I will be part of the package. I had Donn remember everything he needed to know when he was still an adolescent.”

Theodora smiled. “Contact us when everything is set. We’ll be there.”


Hypatia, Hadrian, Antinous, 'The Maiden of Mantua'...Cebes and Alexander (Vergil Maro's slaves/protégés/loves), would prove to be no problem.


Stefan stood up, and unfastened his cloak. He dematerialised it, and came over to me. I looked the others over. “I think we’ll see you in a little bit.”

Macha waved, “Late.”

Stefan got to me, turned to Macha, and smiled. He didn’t say anything, but embraced me, and put his forehead against mine. We disappeared from the scene.


Stefan took us to a more reclusive part of Tir na nOg. We landed in a heavily wooded area, by a stream. I suppose I should also refer to Stef as ‘Stephanie,’ being a gender switch had occurred in the transfer of location. Stephanie took off her gloves, dematerialised them, and sat down against the trunk of an oak tree. I joined her, and we embraced, getting a bit tangled up in each other. She brushed the side of her face against my shoulder, then gently ran her hand across my chest. “Gods, I’m on fire, but this is so hedonistic and empty,” she said.

“We’ll go Astral, soon. That’ll do it for us. In a way I'm glad to hear you say what you just said. This is pretty basic stuff. If it wasn't for what drove you to ask, I wouldn't have you.”

“Thanks. Donn, how much better can you get?” I knew she was talking about my new hobby.

“You could be a stunt rider, if you wanted.”

“Like you? I don’t think so. I mean, even on the ice! How long have I been skating? I still can’t do a triple axel, and I’m not even going to try to figure out how you do those aerials.”

I kissed her on the forehead. “Practise on a trampoline. You used to do them off of diving boards when you were a mortal kid.”

“I guess I don’t have your level of dedication.”

“Not when there’s a potential for cracking your skull open, anyway. You’re quite dedicated in other matters.”


Well, both of us chose now to start bringing the sensualistic part of the meeting to a pleasant conclusion, to go Astral for something even better.


Thanatos materialised before Macha and Kevalyn. Deliah was busy trying to give Hesper the time of his life, so she wasn’t available to be anywhere else.

“I’ve got everyone you guys requested,” said Thanatos.

“Cool. Was it pretty easy?” asked Kevalyn,

“Damn easy! They even made additional requests on whom to invite. This is gonna be great. First stop, Tir na nOg. A massive picnic; including Stef’s fruit salad, Donn’s show, and an Astral merging of everyone there, for an instantaneous information exchange, as opposed to everyone asking each other a million questions, then more food, with conversation at Tech Duinn. A tour of the castle, too.”

“How many are coming?” asked Macha.

“One and forty,” said Thanatos.

“That’s a fair sized crowd.”

“A good number, I think,” said Thanatos.

“And the last time around, we never invited anyone here, except when Donn was using this place as a way-station, huh?” asked Kevalyn.

That’s right! We found the very thought of casual guests appalling.”

“What was wrong with us?” asked Macha.

“Clique-consciousness. We were very self-centred. Me, especially! Nothing came before my education as Keith, and a combination of education and job, after I’d reintegrated, until we all moved to The White City,” said Thanatos.

“Can we visit it, before we move there?” asked Macha.

Thanatos grimaced. “Give it a little while. You’ll change your mind, when you remember the pain of return.”

“But, you can ease it,” said Macha.

He walked over to Macha, held her, and kissed her on the forehead. “Let’s wait until after Donn’s exhibit.” He looked at Kevalyn. “You seem to be more patient, regarding this matter.”

Kevalyn chuckled. “Crucify me, rack me, and stick me in an iron maiden with a premature take-off, huh?”

Thanatos smiled. “Basically.”

Macha returned Thanatos’ embrace. ‘Can I borrow you in a little bit?’ she sent him.


Macha said aloud, “Anyone care to walk to the garden and have some tea?”

“Love to,” said Kevalyn.

“We can watch the dawn,” said Thanatos. “It’s still pitch black, for a little while longer.”

“Be glad Stefan’s not hear,” said Macha. “To him, dawn is still the most depressing time of the day.”

“Gods, he can be such a vampire,” said Kevalyn

“Only now heez got zee fangs to prooove eet,” said Thanatos in a comical attempt at the stereotypical Transylvanian accent. Sometimes, anyway! It depended on Stefan’s mood. After all, he considered them just a fashion accessory, and did go without when he felt like it.

Both Macha and Kevalyn laughed.


Stephanie woke up first, and she woke me up. A couple of non-existent hours later, we were sharing our own couple of cups of tea, still in bed. Par for the course! “When do you think you’ll be ready for the live performance,” she asked.

“As soon as the sedative wears off,” I told her with a smile. I had to admit; it was hard for me to feel any more relaxed. “Uh, no, but I have to get in touch with Thanatos, and get this household and all our guests synchronised. I want to do that later, though. I’m enjoying this moment too much to leave it.”

Stef switched back to masculine form. “Tell me about it.”

I looked at him, and smiled. “Next time, can I be the chick?”

He looked stunned. “With me?”

“Yeah! Why?”

“After Thanatos?”

“You’ll have me, after Thanatos. Sure! Why not? I love your style. You’re light caresses, where you’re barely touching me?”

“That’ll be a trip for me, but yeah. Let’s switch places, next time.”

I ran my finger down his nose. “Thanks.” I dematerialised my cup, and got out of the bed, while simultaneously donning my tunic. I went temperature insensitive immediately. “Gods! Sometimes I wonder if I should install central gas heating.”

Stefan got out of bed, and into his gothic threads, cloak included. “Don’t do that. Electricity is enough, here. It’s too much fun torturing ourselves, and easing it with snuggling, fire, tea or whirlpool.”

I said, “Good point.”

I suddenly had to sit down. I was awash with a series of memories of the life my former self had written of. “Whoa!”

Stefan came over to me. “What’s wrong?”

I swallowed, and scowled. “I guess my reintegration process has started. I was just plastered with what I used to be. It’s like suddenly, I remember a bit of The Xanon Chronicle life, as it was my own. The recollections! The different priorities.”

Stefan sat next to me, and put his arm around me. “You OK?”

“I guess so. It doesn’t hurt, or anything. I’m a little light headed, and I have to admit, I feel very, very strange from a psychological perspective. I mean, being forced to recognise what I am, what I was, what I’m not anymore, you know?”

Stefan shook his head. “No. I can’t know.”

I looked at him. “Let’s call it a sort of ‘culture shock’. I wonder if this is what Thanatos felt like after he woke up from Macha killing him?”

“Could ask him later. What do you remember?”

“I suddenly know how to fight with a sword, and I suddenly have an intense hatred for the game of chess.”

“Anything else?”

I leaned into him, and put my own arm, around him. “You might find me a more interesting lover.”

Stefan asked. “Do you remember The White City?”


“I almost find it hard to wait.”

I closed my eyes, and leaned my head down forward. I sighed. “Let’s go out of time...Stephanie.”

“So, you don’t want to be the chick?”

I smiled, and looked at him. “Maybe later. I'm sorry, but something just got triggered.”

Stefan clenched his fists, crossed his wrists before himself, closed his eyes, and brought his hands slowly to his lower mid-section. “Sorry? I'm not. Damn, this life is great!”

I kissed him on the cheek. “This isn’t life.”

He returned the kiss. “Thank the gods. Oh, I can’t get enough of you.”

“Good.” The feeling was obviously quite mutual. We were making up for lost time, I guess.

He switched gender, again.


Deliah kissed Hesper on the cheek. “You are such a sweetie pie. I wish I’d had a chance to establish a relationship with something outside my species as what you and Donn have.”

Hesper gently scraped his teeth on Deliah’s shoulder a few times before gently nosing her.

With a picture of herself astride the pony, Deliah asked, “Will you let me ride you?”

Hesper kneeled on his forelegs to make mounting easier.

Deliah hugged him around the neck. “Gods, I love you. Thanks. You go where you want to go, and you can show me the places you like.” She got on his back, and they were off. They’d spend a bit of time in Tir na nOg, the Elysian Fields, Eden, and the tour would end on the Lakota ‘Hunting Ground’.


Thanatos sat on the edge of one of the fountains, snuggled between Macha and Kevalyn, though he only had his arm around Macha, since in his other hand, was his fifth cup of tea. Macha closed her eyes. “Wow!”

“What?” asked Kevalyn.

“Deliah’s riding Hesper.” Macha smiled. “She’s in The Land Of The Lakota, and Hesper has right of way.”

“Do you have a count on the other two?” asked Kevalyn.

“Donn and Stephanie are in what is known as a compromised position. I didn’t delve into them too deeply.” She looked at Thanatos, and walked her fingers gently up his back. “That sounds like fun.”

Thanatos looked at her, then at Kevalyn. He looked at Macha again. “You have both of us in mind, of course.”

“Of course,” said Macha.

“That sounds absolutely fascinating,” said Kevalyn.

Thanatos shrugged. “OK. Astral, after?”

“Only way,” said Macha.

“Who passive, first?” asked Thanatos.

“You!” said Macha to Thanatos.

He asked Kevalyn, “And you, my lesbian friend, will have my head in your lap, no doubt.”

“Definitely! The one with that absolutely gorgeous face on it, anyway!”

Both Macha and Thanatos laughed.

(Quite a shift in priorities, huh? We really HAD to get this out of our system.)

Chapter 5

Deliah was the last to come to us when we all finally made an effort to get together for my exhibit. “There is no East Of Eden, there is no Gate, and Michael is not standing by non-existent Gate with flaming sword,” she said.

“I could have told you that,” said Thanatos. “Also, Eden's primarily for animals. It has no permanent residents. Only visitors.”

“I didn’t see anyone of human persuasion,” said Deliah.

“Not a surprise,” said Thanatos. “It goes on forever from its inhabitants point of view, like everything else, and it’s not the most visited area. The odds of running into someone are pretty low.”

“Eden is the same level as The White City. Hesper took me there on his own accord. Why don’t I feel this overwhelming desperation to go back, like I’d feel if I visited The City?” asked Deliah.

“You remember the description of The White City in Donn’s book. The connexion with the other inhabitants?! The addictive subtle ‘angel music’ in the background?! The constant feeling of being loved?”

“Gotcha. Never mind,” said Deliah.

“Now that we’re finally all together, are we ready to send out the invitations to everyone for the show?” asked Thanatos

“How’s Hesper?” I asked.

“I put him in charge of our jaunt,” said Deliah. “He’s fine. He really enjoyed himself, and I look forward to grooming him again. He’s the most affectionate pony I’ve ever met in all my life. He’s almost feline in showing it.”

“Did you get knocked over any?” asked Stefan.

“Almost, not quite. My own fault, though!

He’s very gentle and considerate. Like his main slave, you know?” asked Deliah.

“Thank you,” I said. “Implying you are now his secondary slave.”

“I think so. I have a stronger affinity with your pony than my pony, but Hesper is a Sidhe pony. I think I’ll spend a little time on my...owner, really. I’m feeling a little guilty.”

“You could develop a stronger relationship with Aslan,” I said.

“He likes being left alone, though. Hesper prefers your company to that of other equines, but Aslan likes running free with his buddies,” said Deliah.

“So does Shiva,” said Stefan. “I realise this all can be changed, but do we want to do that, being things are working pretty good right now. I mean, on those rare occasions us or the horses, ponies, whatever, want each other, the one wanted always makes itself available.”

“Yeah,” said Deliah. “Aslan’s called me a few times for some pleasant exchanges, or when he wants to be spoiled. Hesper’s a lot more into it, though. A lot more demonstrative, too.”

“Hm hm,” I agreed. “Shall we get this show on the road, with my exhibit? I’m beginning to feel a bit amped.”

Thanatos said, "Sure. Let’s go to Tir na nOg, before we call them. Then we can have our picnic party there, and invite everyone over for a Tech Duinn tour and an extended stay, for anyone who cares.”

“Sounds good to me,” I said. “I’d love to have a few long conversations with these people.” I’d never dwelled on historical figures before, and now that I did, I found I’d missed a bit.

Stef then said, “Donn, think you should tell everyone you’re beginning to re-integrate with your past life, first?”

“You just did,” I said.

“What’s it like?” asked Deliah.

“A boatload of new memories, a few new skills, a couple of new aversions, loves, and I’m in awe of actually being aware from a personal perspective on how neurotic I was in my former life as opposed to just having read about it. I suddenly knew I wrote those books. I remember writing the first two, but not the third. Thanatos, why do I only remember part of it?”

“You’ll remember to the point that corresponds with where you’re at now,” said Thanatos, “which is, by the way, quite a bit further along for your perspective of time-frame, as the first time around. Everyone has about ninety percent less garbage to sort through, because of what was learned from your cute little bio.”

“Glad I’m good for something,” I said.

Thanatos came over to me, ruffled my hair, and kissed me on the forehead. “You’re good for a lot. Now, let’s get out of here.”


For the exhibit, I was dressed in the usual black and silver full-leotard outfit, and soft-soled boots. Hesper was the show pony, not me, and he knew it. He held his tail up, kept his neck arched, and high-stepped with the best of them. His golden coat shone brightly, his white mane and tail appeared silver, and of course; I did silver his hooves. He was playing his part, perfectly, prancing in place, and giving an aura of arrogance. He was acting like the most beautiful, best-paid catwalk model in the world.

Hesper was much admired, and he knew it. Gods, he even ‘bowed’ to the audience. He then nudged me, and I did the same. We got quite a bit of laughter, with this lovely equine reminding his rider of his manners.

Before I actually proceeded, I said, “Well, here I go, and I hope you all like the show.”

“You never stop being the poet, huh?” called Theodora, with a grin.

“That was inadvertent, but hey!” I called back. “I’m off.”

Hesper walked a few yards away from me, then wheeled, and loped in my direction. I hoisted myself on him as he came by, and started out by spending a few seconds on each of his sides. I stood up, and performed a few slow pirouettes, and various moves that were a cross between ballet, and modern dance, alternating between standing, and kneeling. Hesper's gait was so smooth, I might as well have been on a slow treadmill. I did a few delicate handsprings, went back to a more Eastern-style dance routine, and culminated the show with my impressive series of mounts and dismounts, involving aerials getting off, and hoisting myself onto Hesper’s back, after a lopsided somersault at his side. That was initially hard to figure out, having nothing underneath me, but I was good at it, now. I’d had to modify myself slightly, since it took a bit more strength, than I normally needed, not that one could tell by looking at me, unless there was a before, and after picture. Even then, the difference in my appearance wasn’t much. What’s four or five pounds?! Well it did make a difference in my strength, but hey!

The routine lasted what one might perceive to be a half an hour, or so.

I was a hit. The applause was heavy, and this stay at Tir na nOg would be very long. Everyone wanted to talk to me. Everyone here, had also read my stories, and they were very interested in seeing Tech Duinn. Catherine (the Great) was also very interested in meeting the redoubtable Percy.

The whole gang was totally cool. Everyone here ended up getting an open invitation to Tech Duinn, with the prerequisite of only a request of them making their presence known to me, before they came on board.

No problem.

The pre-exhibit picnic had also been a huge success. Stefan’s fruit salad was considered a brilliant idea.


Alexander of Macedonia had taken to Macha, in the stories. Alexander and his entourage of two, were the only ones left with us, after everyone else had gone. He had the nerve to challenge Macha to a friendly match of chess, and a round in the ring, via sword. Macha whupped his ass, at both. Every household member watched the games, as did the company of his beloved Hephaestion and Roxane. Hephaestion was quite a warrior as well, but he knew better than to challenge Macha. He believed my written word of her being unbeatable. Hephaestion said, “How about giving us a show between you and Thanatos?” he asked Macha.

Thanatos smiled. “How long do you three want to stay here?”

“It doesn’t matter,” said Alexander.

Thanatos looked at Macha. “Shall we?”

“Until they get sick of watching? Are you ready to put in this kind of time?”

“Being time has no relevance, sure,” said Thanatos.

“All right, off to the ring, with one more couch to add. Walk, or transfer?”

“Walk, definitely,” said Alexander.


Both Macha and Thanatos went into battle dress, and I swear, what they did was even more impressive than what I’d done on Hesper.

They were totally tuned into each other. Sometimes they fought; sometimes they just went into a sword dance routine, where they just aimed at each other’s weapons. Not a drop of blood was ever shed. Some of their evasive moves were as impressive as hell. They went all out with the acrobatics, and they put the stunt people of the sword and sorcery movies to shame with their sword dance routines.

After quite a while, it was obvious there would be no victor. Both Macha and Thanatos withdrew from the battle simultaneously. “Is that enough?” asked Thanatos.

”That’s the most beautiful sword fight I ever saw,” said Alexander.

“Can we ever see you two in the ring again?” asked Roxane.

“Occasionally, maybe,” said Thanatos. “It’s a little pointless for us, now. I’m not the Keith of the first two stories, anymore.”

Macha smiled, dematerialised her sword, re-sheathed her dirk, and stepped toward Thanatos. “Well, maybe not completely pointless.” With not too much effort, she hoisted the stunned Thanatos onto her shoulders.

“What the hell are you...” started out the stunned Thanatos.

“It still turns me on to fight you. Now I want to fuck you!”

With that, they disappeared from our view.

Alexander looked at me. With a chuckle, he said, “I thought Thanatos doesn’t have a sex drive.”

I shrugged. “Technically he doesn’t, but Macha does, and Thanatos does like to keep the peace.”

“Is he still as good as you said in your stories?” asked Roxane of me.

“Better,” interrupted Deliah.


Macha dropped Thanatos on her bed with as much gentleness as she could unload a dude who outweighed her by about forty pounds or so, from her shoulders. She pounced on him. “Well?”

Thanatos chuckled. “That exit ought to have everyone talking. I don’t think anyone will ever challenge you again. If not from your display, then from besting Alexander, alone.”

“You’re reading me!”

“Can’t help but read you,” he said.

She gently ran her fingertips down the centre of his chest, et cetera... “Can you; by remote chance, adopt my sense of desperation, you gorgeous, graceful thing?”


She cut off his loincloth. After a few expert moves, and an obvious reaction, she asked him, “But you can be talked into sort of wanting me.”

He placed his right forearm over his eyes. “Aye. Sort of.”


After Alexander, Roxane, and Hephaestion had left, me, Stefan, Kevalyn and Deliah walked to the garden. “Gods, that was fun,” said Deliah. “Alex was quite a progressive. Too bad he was such a booze hound, when alive.”

“His innate sense of fairness was a rare find among expansionists,” I said. “I agree with the alcoholism, not that he had an easy life, or too much of a choice in dealing with what he felt he had to do.”

“Interesting, how everything always turns out so perfect,” said Stefan.

“Not always. Only to those who are aware of what existence, and life is all about,” I said.

“Well, eventually everything turns out OK,” said Kevalyn.

“True,” I said. “Eventually.”

“Eventually is a pretty long time, some times,” said Deliah.

“Totally,” said Stefan.

I looked at him. “There is one thing that hasn’t changed about you, from the last time around.”

“My occasional ‘Val-speak’?”

I smiled. “Totally,” I said.

“Actually, I’m not sure I’m very different from your stories other than the fact that I don’t have to keep myself virtually neutered all the time to keep my sanity,” said Stefan.

“You are pretty much the same. Macha’s changed a lot, and you have one thing about you, Kev."

I pointed at Kevalyn, “You will occasionally compromise your innate tastes to a degree, once in a while,” I looked at Deliah, “and I still can’t remember you, but from what I wrote, you seem pretty much the same as your old self, too.”

“From your stories, I think you changed more than anyone,” said Deliah.

“I think it’s a toss up between me and Macha. She’s softened up a bit, but now she has everything she wants, no holds barred. Even me.”

“Nice to know she doesn’t have to go through all that emotional turmoil of those guilt trips over her past this time,” said Stefan.

“That was bad,” I said. “Real bad. I remember the mental merging with her.” I smiled. “You know, I also miss the ‘Keith’ aspect of Thanatos a little.”

“He was a little on the shy side, huh?” asked Deliah.

“A little,” I said. “This may sound strange, but of how he was with diplomacy and all, he actually reminded me a little of Vergil Maro. The Thanatos we have with us now, does not.”

“I like Than’s way of telling like it is. The directness?” Said Stefan.

“I like that too, but the alternative has an appeal once in a while,” I said.

“Hm, aye!” said Stefan. “It’s also nice that Vergil Maro lived up to my expectations of him.”

I closed my eyes. “An idealist who actually lived up to himself, too. He was one of the most awesome men who ever lived. What he allowed his slaves was unheard of in most of the history books. He treated them like foster sons, except for the sex part, but that was mutual consent, which must have initially been a royal pain, dealing with his beautiful, initially hard to seduce, Alexander.”

“He wrote about that,” said Deliah.

“Called him Alexis. Aye,” I said. “I read the Bucolics. A lot of his poetry is pretty depressing. Eloquent and beautiful, but it shows a lot of pain.” I read everything by him but the Aeneid; which he’d wanted destroyed anyway, right after his first visit to Tech Duinn. I really like him, or should I say love him, and I'm more than a bit touched that Stefan, or should I say ‘Kyle’ had chosen to name me after him, before ‘she’ knew who I was.

“I still have to read him, I’m afraid to admit,” said Stefan.

“Not now, you don’t. You’re NOT leaving me alone with these two!” I said, pointing at Deliah and Kevalyn.

Stefan smiled. “Not so soon after your sexy exhibition, huh?”

“Something like that,” I said.

Deliah chuckled. “As if Stefan would go any easier on you than I?”

She had a point.


Thanatos collapsed. He turned his face away from Macha. “You’re one hell of an inamorata. I see your saturation point has not changed at all, since your last round.”

“Did you expect it to?”

“Not really.”

“You could, of course reset yourself again.”

Thanatos, still in boots and gauntlet Macha hadn’t given him time to get out of, immediately re-dressed himself in a pair of silk pyjamas, and socks. He got under cover, and now he faced her. “Later.”

‘So, you’re totally set on putting your nostrils down, huh?”

Thanatos scowled. “I swear! If Stefan translates any more of these clichés into Nose-ican, or Nose-ish, or Nose-amese, or whatever the hell he is calling it these days, I’m going to take that beak of his away from him, and not let him replace it.”

Macha chuckled. “You wouldn’t! That thing is his life.”

Thanatos shook his head. “Ye gods, I’m being sarcastic. I love that thing almost as much as Stefan does, now that I'm used to it. He looks great in it, and it supplies endless material for sarcasm and jokes.”

“Total mordancy, I’d say.”

“Sometimes, but he occasionally asks for it.”

“Occasionally? You are too kind.”

“Oh, he’s not that bad,” said Thanatos.

“Yeah...Deliah’s worse when it comes to picking on him, but I wouldn’t trade them in for anything.”

Thanatos bared his fangs in a coy grin. “And Stephanie is sooooo good in bed. Those ultra gentle strokes she gives, where it’s hard to tell if you’re being caressed by simply an aura, or a physical touch? I think I’d like to see her.”

In a couple of seconds, Thanatos would find himself on the floor. He’d known what to expect, and he was laughing pretty hard. Yes, Macha would get another go around in a little while.


Stefan materialised a collection of everything that Vergil Maro wrote, and went straight to ‘Alexis’. It was a short poem. He tried to hand the book to Deliah. “I already read it,” she said. “Probably in the double digits.”

“You?” he asked Kevalyn.

She took the book. “Please.” She read it, and said, “The language structure is complex and unduly eloquent, but it doesn’t seem like it was written a couple of thousand years before I was around. This is nice. Sad, but I’d read it a few times a year, if years were relevant.”

She gave the book back to Stefan.

Stefan said, “Next time I can bear to be alone, or if I have the willpower just to use someone as a pillow, I think I’ll read the whole thing.”

“Can I volunteer to be your pillow?” I asked.

“Pillow, blanket, mattress, I don’t care what you are,” said Stefan.

I cocked my left eyebrow. “I know what you are.”

“Incorrigible, to say the least,” said Stefan.

“All the way,” I had to agree. “That means you accept?”

“Hell, yeah!

“And if I change my mind and want to read it again?” asked Deliah.

“I suppose we could arrange a date for me to be your bedding material,” I said.

Stef, Deliah and Kevalyn chuckled. “You obviously haven’t lost your way with words,” said Kevalyn.

I shrugged. “After what Stefan said, what else could I say?”

“Indeed,” said Deliah. “Oh, what the Hell. Shall we all kick back and read the complete works of Publius Vergilius Maro?”

“Sure,” said Kevalyn. “Where?”

“In all seriousness, I think we should do this on a couple of couches, or something,” I said.

“I’d rather be in bed next to a hot babe like Macha or Del,” said Kevalyn.

I smiled. I really preferred the intimate setting of reading with Stefan or Thanatos alone, myself. I made use of Kevalyn’s statement. “OK!” I took Stefan’s hand, and we were out of there.”

Deliah looked at where we were. “Wha...” She looked at Kevalyn, and chuckled. “If I didn’t love you so much, I’d hate you.” It was a common phrase for us to use, as my readers may note.

“Oh, come on, you foxy thing. Those two are each other’s primaries, not counting Thanatos. Let’s go to Tir na nOg, and read that collection.”

Deliah put her arm around Kevalyns waist, stood on her toes, and kissed Kev on the cheek. “Yeah. Macha’s got my main man now, anyway.”

“According to Donn, wasn’t that supposed to be Stefan?”

“I adore my Steffy-poo, but he can’t hold a candle to Thanatos in the exotic looks, or skill, you know?”

“I prefer Stefan. At least he’ll consistently change gender for me,” said Kevalyn.

Deliah placed her head on Kevalyn’s shoulder the best she could, considering Kevalyn was five inches taller than Del, and said, “Damn fruits.”

“Yeah! So if no one else in male is available later, you wanna make out?”

“Suppose so. Let’s get our rear ends to Tir na nOg. I guess it’s about time I read this stuff again.”

They disappeared from Tech Duinn.


I ended up guiding us to Stefan’s bed. We just rested against each other, reading our own copy of the poetry compilation, with cups of tea perpetually on the nightstands next to us. The fire was roaring, all the torches were lit, and the electric blanket was on. There was also an electrical storm raging. The room was by an outer wall, so we could hear everything quite well, as far as the weather was concerned. It was very nice.

Chapter 6

“Gods, I am so pissed off at myself for not having read this when I was alive,” said Stefan as he closed up his book.

I’d already finished my re-read a few moments ago. “Better late than never,” I said.

“I never dreamed anyone could write as well as us, as far as moving poetry went.”

I said, “Stefan, Vergil is considered the best poet that ever was by quite a goodly number in the educational fields.”

“I was almost in tears over some of it.”

“For me, almost my nose hairs, as you say. I cried.”

“Too bad his life had to be so hard. All the physical problems he had? Always in pain?” asked Stefan.

“Aye, and you used to get a lot of headaches. Do you care anymore?”


“Neither does Vergil.”

Stefan shook his head, and laughed. “I’m kind of glad I’m not calling you Vergil anymore.”

I kissed him on the nose. “Not on a regular bases, anyway; huh?”

“Aye. I still love the name, and I still think you look like a Vergil, but hey. Donn’s grown on me. It used to be kind of flat line. Didn’t dislike it, but it didn’t knock my socks off.”

“Understandable. I don’t think much of it one way or the other either, but it’s what I’ve been named, and what I’m generally called, so I accept that.”

Stefan reached over, and grabbed his cup of tea. The current cup was creamed, honeyed, bee pollened, vanilla extracted, vanilla nut, if I didn’t forget something. He had a few sips, and asked, “Wanna skate after we get on the ball, or do something a little more leisurely, like a walk in Tir na nOg, or something?”

“Can you dupe me a cup of what you’re having to the letter, before I decide?”

Another cup appeared in his hand, and he gave it to me.

“Thanks,” I said, and I had a sip. There was a touch of allspice in it. That was new. “Mmm! Killer stuff when the sweet tooth is acting up. In a way, it’s too bad the horses don’t eat anymore. Hesper would have loved this stuff.”

“Could he be persuaded to try it?”

No, but I said it anyway. “Sure! And while you’re at it, would you like to be hounded for fresh orange juice, apple juice, various fruit pies, granola cereal with fruit, farina, multi-seeded sourdough with butter, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and salads so intricate they’d put the best mortal salad bar to shame?” I wasn’t serious.

“I could just materialise it for him.”

“Whenever he wanted it? How many times has he interrupted what I was doing to call me to give him a grooming, or a rubdown in the spa? You want to encourage him to become even more of a hedonist than he already is. I mean you know Hesper. He’s like a cat. Give him a nanometre, and he’ll want a parsec.”

“Oh, yeah. I’ve never met a more lovable horse in all my days, though.”

“Pony. But you know animals don't eat here. I've never seen or heard of one deviate.”

“Aye, whatever.” He had another sip of his tea. “Amazing that people consider equines stupid.”

“True. Uncooperative does not mean stupid, and easily trained does not mean smart. You have no personal experience with this, but actually a horse you treat as a close friend will try to learn from you and please you, though it helps if you have continuous contact with them from when they were a foal. You have a very affectionate, though demanding animal.”

“Like Hesper.”

“There isn’t a mortal horse alive who’s as bad as Hesper, though I wouldn’t have my equine love any other way.” I finished half my cup.

Stefan looked at his cup, and then smiled at me. “After we get out of here, let’s play mini-golf. No score-keeping, of course.”

“Time to putt around, huh?”

Stefan finished his tea, and dematerialised his cup. “Aye! Would you be into that?”

“For someone who swore they’d never play golf again, after having it forced down your throat as a kid, huh?” I'd not written about this, but 'Kyle's' mother played professionally a few times, and taught the game and her father taught, as well.

“This is just fooling around.”

“I’ll set up a temporary mini-golf park between here and the beach, so we don’t have to leave the island.”

“Gothic theme?”

“How about a vampire course?”

Stefan shrugged. “Sounds good to me.” He moved toward me, and pressed himself against me. “In a little bit?”

It was only too obvious that Stefan had other ideas for the immediate future.

I dematerialised my unfinished cup of tea. In a few seconds, Stefan would be embracing a woman.


Macha and Thanatos met Deliah and Kevalyn in the garden. The weather had cleared up, by now. Deliah immediately gravitated toward Thanatos, and Kevalyn toward Macha. They sat on a blanket in the grass, having thrown together an impromptu picnic. Tofu burgers, garden salad, Stefan’s concept of fruit salad, and lemonade! It wasn’t too elaborate. “I want to see Theodora and Justinian again,” said Deliah.

“I’d like to see everyone, again,” said Kevalyn.

“That can be arranged, I think. Everyone was invited to come whenever they felt like it, they all liked the place, so all you have to do is focus and see if who ever you want is available,” said Thanatos.

Macha, trying to look as dreamy as possible, said, “Antinous, and both Alexanders would be nice.”

Thanatos laughed. “Macha, on top of those three being very devoted to their lovers and/or wife with Alex of Macedonia, you are mostly the wrong gender.”

Macha’s left eyebrow went up. “Of course, I jest. Had to get you back a little for your little comment regarding Stefan, huh?”

“Of course,” said Thanatos.

“Dare I ask?” said Deliah.

“Just the usual,” said Thanatos. “She wants more, and I comment on wanting more too...from someone else.”

“I assume you got thrown out of bed for that again,” said Deliah.

“Pushed, really, but yes. That’s the general stream of events.”

Macha simply smiled.

Deliah scowled. “You are so different from the Thanatos of the Xanon Chronicles.”

Thanatos brushed his index finger down her nose. “So you tell me, over and over again. You’re the same. What you were in The White City, and what you are now, is no different. And it’s not a question of being different, for me. It’s the same stream of consciousness here, and I’ve just outgrown some of the hang-ups I used to have.”

“When will I remember The White City?” asked Deliah.

“When you get there again,” said Thanatos. He put an arm around her. “It really shouldn’t be too much longer. The way you guys keep asking me won't make it happen any faster.”

“What’s keeping us here, now?” asked Macha. “We don’t seem to have any issue, judging from how we are, and what it said in The Chronicles.”

“Lust. A lot of us are over the top, right now.” said Thanatos.

“You’re not doing anything to discourage that,” said Macha.

“It’s nothing to discourage. You don’t want to suppress yourself. That would be self-defeating. You just want to let it run its course,” said Thanatos, as he let go of Deliah. He ladled some fruit salad into his bowl, and added cream.

“You seem a little hedonistic, yourself,” said Macha.

“I don’t deprive myself completely, but I’m not going to be eating five pounds of this stuff, either. This will probably suffice quite nicely. It does make for a better get-together if I partake in this repast as opposed to just sitting here, doesn’t it?” he asked.

“Most definitely,” said Deliah, before biting into her tofu burger.


I aimed for the hole in the little coffin, and it took me three putts to get it through. I was terrible at this, not that I cared.

Stefan wasn’t much better, and we laughed at our own, and each other’s antics. Stefan made a big show of lining up the putts, and getting as histrionic as possible, with his manoeuvres and facial expressions. It was like watching a sit-com that was actually funny. He’d get down on his knees, use the putter as a scope, and take a couple of minutes to prepare, then it might take him seven hits to get the ball through the tunnel, or in the hole. This could be such a frustrating game, if one cared. We didn’t. It wasn’t a real competition. We were just playing, for the sake of playing.

Into Count Dracula’s mouth, my next ball went. “I don’t know, Donn,” said Stefan. “Want to keep this course, after we’re finished? It’s a fun game, and maybe we should ask everyone else and take a poll?”

I shrugged. “Sure.” I closed my eyes, and focused on everyone one by one. It was agreed upon that the little course stayed. Thanatos thought it might be an additional motivator for some of our guests to my exhibition to come by more often. I liked that idea, and Tech Duinn was plenty big enough to accommodate the little putting park. The theme of it also fit the island like a glove. Everyone was going to check it out after they finished with their picnic, and play. Stefan and I played the course four times, waiting for them. We actually improved our game by the end.


Thanatos never missed his putts. If hole in ones were possible, he got them all. Pretty impressive! Macha was the second best player, and Deliah was close behind.

“How in the hell do you do that?” asked Stefan.

“Geometry,” said Thanatos. “That’s all putting is. Hitting the ball at the right angle, with the right amount of force.”

“Playing you, is like playing a computer,” said Stefan.

Thanatos shrugged. “Sorry. I just instinctively know the math. It’s not like we anything vested in the outcome, anyway.”

“Actually, I like watching you play,” said Stefan. “It’s awesome, and I kind of admit I half expected it.”

“Same,” said Kevalyn. “Do you ever miss your target in archery?” she asked Thanatos.

“No. Macha is the same way, of course.”

Stefan looked at Macha. “No doubt.”

Macha winked at Stefan. “To do less in war is a death sentence.”

“I am so glad I’m not you,” said Stefan to Macha.

“Fine by me,” said Macha. “I’m glad I’m not you, either. I just can’t see being a slave to my nose, and carrying ninety odd percent of my body weight in front to my face. I don’t see how you can stand upright.”

Stefan did his best to look thoroughly enraptured. “Oh, what am I going to do, with all this flattery?”

“You’ll just have to live with it, I suppose,” said Macha.

I shook my head, chuckling slightly to myself. Ye gods, what a bunch we were.

“This was a great idea, Stef,” said Thanatos. “It wasn’t something I expected from you, though.”

“Due to my allergy to golf?”

“Something like that,” said Thanatos. “Cute theme, too.”

“Now that we’re all together, should we do something, or shall we split up again?” I asked.

“Do you feel like skating?” asked Deliah of me.

“No,” I said.

“Stunt riding?” Deliah asked.

“Definitely not,” I said.

“Will you ma...” (ke out with me?)

I didn’t let her finish. “No! No way!”

Deliah crossed her arms in front of her, and grimaced. “Then you can go away.”

“How about all of us watching another movie?” asked Stefan.

“Not another C-rate horror flick, please,” said Thanatos.

“How about a Mel Brooks comedy?” asked Kevalyn.

Macha scanned her. “You liked Blazing Saddles.”

“I could watch that again,” said Kevalyn.

“Sure,” said Thanatos.

Deliah looked at Stefan, then at Thanatos. She pointed at both. “Can I sit between you two?”

“I don’t see why not,” said Thanatos. “I assume we’re walking back to the castle.”

“Indeed!” said Macha. “Later, I’m going to see if I can get anyone from the exhibit over to play mini-golf.

The movie was a blast, but it would be the last one for a very long time. It was rare for us all to be unmotivated enough by anything to devote our energies to something like watching a film.


After the six of us snuggled a bit, had a couple of cups of the predictable tea, and discussed the flick, we split up. Kevalyn and Macha took off, back to the miniature golf course, Deliah dragged Thanatos off to bed, and I had to fight her tooth and nail not to take Stefan, too. Well, not literally, but...a bit of figurative fur flew, and though I will not be able to keep a straight face recalling some of the things Deliah said, I don’t think I can bring myself to write them down.

Stefan and I went for a ride on the beaches of Tech Duinn. It was late afternoon, and I knew damn well we’d still be there at nightfall with the horses, or without. We did end up dismounting, and sitting in the sand at dusk. Hesper and Shiva lay beside us so we ended up having one arm around each other, and our other hand on our lieges. “I wish a storm was coming in,” said Stefan.

“Maybe tomorrow,” I said.

“I think it would be a kick running on the waters edge, with violent waves, rain coming down in sheets, and lightning flashing full blast.”

I chuckled. “Not temperature sensitive, I hope.”

“Uh, no. I don’t like discomfort that much.”

“You know, the way you like to play in electrical storms, one of us might get hit one of these days.”

“So, what of it?”

“That’s something that Thanatos would probably have to fix. I have no idea. I mean, what we are now in this Low Etheric locale can still be wiped in it's own way, you know?”

Stefan kissed me on the cheek. “How can I forget?”

“We could run through the surf now,” I said.

“Let’s see if the ponies prefer we stay, or if they’d like to join us in the water if they let us go.”


I checked Hesper, and he didn’t care what we did, neither did Shiva, and Stefan said, “Let’s go for it.”


I almost couldn’t believe what Stefan did. He, in his breeches, satin shirt, below the knee boots, cloak, et cetera, just ran for the water. I at least dematerialised my tunic, leotards, boots, and dressed down into just a pair of swim trunks before heading for the water. I caught up to him in no time. “Stefan, you’re crazy!”

He looked at me, and almost fell to the ground, he was laughing so hard. “Gods, how can I be that stupid?”

Stefan just ditched his clothes completely, not bothering with the swim trunks, and as soon as he stopped laughing, we were off and the ponies trotted along beside us, behind us, in front of us, whatever. We circled the island once, though it wasn’t a continuous beach, and we had to do some wading, and we had two short swims. Needless to say, it took a long time. Tech Duinn wasn't that small.

I think if I were temperature sensitive, I would have about short of died. I know damn well I wouldn’t have made it around the island.

When we walked back to the castle, we stayed dressed or undressed as we were, not even bothering to get back into our boots. Hesper wanted full service in the spa, so why get dressed to get undressed, when we'd been oblivious to the forty eight degree temperature outside, not including the wind chill factor and now, the cold cobblestone beneath us. Shiva was following us, too.

Shiva went all the way into the room, but he, unlike Hesper, did not enter the water. Stefan gave Shiva a rubdown and a brushing, followed by one more rubdown, while I took care of Hesper. Of course Shiva was quite happy with his three stage grooming, and left us way before Hesper was sated with his royal treatment, and Stefan came in the water to help me with my lovely equine master.

Stefan and I focused entirely on Hesper. Grooming, coddling, stroking, more grooming, mental communion, and exchanges of love, and after we dried him off, he still wanted to stay with us, which was quite all right by me. We walked to the main living room with the perpetually burning fireplace, and talked Hesper into lying on the couch with us.

“If we can materialise anything we want, why couldn’t the ponies and horses?” asked Stefan.

“That’s a good question.”

“Maybe they don’t, because they don’t want anything? I mean we don’t need anything either, and intrinsically all this decor is superfluous, and animals are not superfluous unless they’re taught to be that way, so maybe if I could turn Hesper on to that vanilla nut tea with all the trimmings he could materialise his own damn bucket of the stuff?”

“Sure! Just let him know that if he can’t and if he wants some more, he goes to you, not me,” I said.


"Want to do a test?"

"We can try, but it's probably pointless. I'm sure he won't touch the stuff."

I was right.


Macha and Kevalyn had ‘called’ Aurore Dupin; a.k.a. George Sand, and Catherine the Great, who was born Sophie Augusta Frederika. They ended up playing the new mini-golf course, and both Aurore and Catherine took great delight in the game, though neither one of them played terribly well. Of course, it was done in fun; again no scores were kept, so it wasn’t an issue. They played twice, and then walked to the garden for tea and scones. A habit too good for our company to pass up!

“Of course you’ll let us know when Donn is riding again,” said Catherine.

“We'll let everyone know when he plans another exhibition,” said Macha.

“Where is everyone else, anyway,” asked Aurore.

“Donn and Stefan are taking care of Donn’s pony, and Deliah and Thanatos are a bit occupied with each other,” said Macha. “Shall I see if Donn and Stef will have us?”

“I’d like to meet them again,” said Aurore.

Macha closed her eyes. “They’d like to meet you two again, as well. Walk, or transfer?”

“Let’s walk,” said Catherine. “These grounds are too beautiful to bypass.”


Deliah was on her side, eyes closed, and a trace of a smile on her face. “Gods, I actually want to go to sleep.”

“You don’t want to go Astral first?” asked Thanatos. He was pressed against her, matching her position, with his arm around her.”

“I feel like I’ve already been there. Our lengthy mindshare that just ended a few moments ago?”

“You want me to stay with you.”

“Please? And...after I’m out, can you...?”

He scraped his fangs delicately on her shoulder. “You know, I sometimes think you’re harder on me than Macha ever was.”

“Thank you, Keith,” were her last words.

Thanatos sighed. He’d take care of her desires on a purely psychic level, this time. She wouldn’t know the difference, when she woke up.


I set up a couple of two-seaters in front of us, facing each other, so when Macha, Kev, Aurore and Catherine came in, we’d be sitting in a semi-circle, in front of the fire.

When they entered the room, we all said our hellos, and Aurore laughed at Hesper being on the couch between Stefan and I. “Hesper does get the ultimate in luxury, doesn’t he?” she asked.

“Well, him and Percy are heads of household,” I said.

“You two are very beautiful, together,” said Catherine, as she came over to us. She scratched Hesper behind the ears, and he scraped his teeth on her arm when he could. “Such a loving steed.”

Catherine was a horse lover. The Germanic princess was also the best thing that ever happened to Russia. A progressive, who did more good for the nation than anyone ever had, or will! Another one who cared about the people, though circumstances weren't always in her favour in allowing her to do more on the side of benevolence. When everyone sat down, Catherine sat next to Macha, and Aurore sat next to Kevalyn.

“This is quite a museum,” said Catherine. “Your artwork is incredible.”

“We thank you,” I said. “I’m addicted to aesthetics, it seems.”

“I’ve never seen a more beautiful garden in my life,” said Aurore. “I’m surprised you aren’t French, Donn.”

“The French provided some inspiration,” I said. “So did a few dozen other cultures.”

“I noticed,” said Aurore. “By the way, Donn. When are you putting on another show?”

I kissed Hesper on the forehead. “When would you like to perform for these lovely ladies?” I asked him, along with sending a picture of us both doing our thing in Tir na nOg.

Hesper was ready, willing, and able, as we sat there. I tilted my head, and smiled. “How about after a couple of cups of tea, and a few historical questions?”

“I’d like that,” said Catherine.

Stefan asked of both Catherine and Aurore, “Before we start this, can I please ask if you two will pet my nose first?”

Aurore smiled. “Yes, but if I ever hear you calling France ‘The Lily Pond’, I swear I will have it on a silver platter.”

I had to cover my mouth, and bite down on my lower lip to keep from laughing.

“How did you know about that?” asked Stefan with a chuckle. He got up to get his nose petted.

“I read all of Donn’s books,” said Aurore.

“Oops,” said Stefan

“I like to read the books of the authors I meet,” said Aurore, as she petted Stefan’s nose.

“What do you think of my stories?” I asked while Stefan went over to Catherine.

Aurore shrugged. “The style is very un-elegant, is technically crude, and true to your existence. Maybe too true to your existence! You repeat some expressions a lot, and you virtually repeated a plot segment in your first book in chronicling your days. You’re very direct, unpadded, and to the point, but it encapsulates some of the more interesting parts of your adventures quite well. I’d have elaborated on it, however. You're very terse. I almost wanted to whack you a few times after I read what you classify as eroticism. It was You people are also so weird, that I found your second story had a frustrating start, but it had one of the best endings I ever read. It brought me to tears.”

“Sorry, but I’m not a romantic writer, and I’m not about to get elaborate in describing something too personal.” I said.

“But you are a very touching, romantic poet, along with your beloved Stefan.” said Aurore.

“Thank you,” said both Stefan and I, in unison. Stefan was in the process of re-taking his seat, having gotten his nose petted by Catherine.

“It is such a treat to have two of the women I so admired in a meeting like this,” said Stefan.

“Though I’ve never heard of any of you before Thanatos hunted us down, I’m glad to be here, too,” said Catherine. “Where is Thanatos, anyway?”

“He’s probably still with Deliah,” said Stefan. “Shall I call him?”

“I wouldn’t mind meeting him again,” said Aurore. “You know, Donn? It is so strange seeing you and Thanatos together. The only difference between you two is colour, and height. If I were to do a sketch of you two, I couldn’t tell which one of you was which, if I hadn’t drawn it.”

“Blame me for that,” said Macha. “I just so wanted Donn, that I couldn’t help myself.”

Aurore smiled, “But you have him, this time around.”

I just had to save myself. “Occasionally. She thinks I’m kind of boring.”

“True,” said Macha. “All art, and no passion. He's nice once in a while when I just want a pretty one.”

No passion. Huh! Subdued passion was more like it. Still... ‘Thank you, Macha,’ I sent her. “Thank the gods for that opinion. This household is more than I can deal with, some times.” I did NOT, under ANY circumstances want anyone getting any ideas about me, and I knew damn well, I’d be the most wanted entity here after my next riding exhibit. “Let me contact Thanatos,” I said, before closing my eyes to communicate with him.

I got back, a ‘Be there in a couple of minutes. I think I’ll walk in.’

‘Hesper’s on the couch, and we’re in a circle. Where would you like to sit?’

‘I’ll plop down on the arm rest of the couch next to you,’ Thanatos sent back.

I looked up. “He’s on his way.”


When Thanatos walked in the door, he was in a red flannel shirt, T-shirt, blue jeans, and lace up, work boots. “Hi guys,” he said, and we all either said our hellos, or waved. “How’d you get away from Deliah?” asked Macha.

“I didn’t. I’m still there,” he said, as he sat beside me on said armrest. He immediately got up. “Pardon me, but I think I’d rather sit on the couch properly.”

The couch immediately went out a couple more feet, and Thanatos sat beside me, putting an arm around me. A cup of creamed jasmine tea appeared in his other hand. “Catherine! George! Glad to see you, or do you prefer I call you Aurore?” Thanatos asked Aurore Dupin/George Sand.

“It doesn’t matter,” said Aurore. “I answer to both.”

Thanatos smiled. “At the moment, you look more like an Aurore.”

Aurore said to Thanatos, “You and Donn look so incredibly beautiful together. One day, can I paint you two?”

“We’d be honoured,” said Thanatos. He had a sip of his tea.

Stefan looked at Catherine. “I read a bit about you. All you did for Russia. How did you find the energy to do what you did?”

Catherine tilted her head slightly. “There were fewer environmental interferences in my day, and no obnoxious chemicals in the food. Also, isn’t it the duty of a monarch to look after his or her people?”

“Sounds like you’re another Macha,” said Stefan. “When she ruled Ulster, she was the best there ever was, as far as justice and all that went.”

“The French have a philosophy about that,” said Aurore.

“Noblesse oblige! The obligation for the higher ranking to assist the poor! I’m familiar with it,” said Stefan.

Catherine said, “From what Donn wrote, you used to live by that, though you weren’t titled.”

Stefan shrugged. “I never had much of a bank account, no matter how much money I made. I helped mostly planet and animals, though. That’s where all my charitable contributions went”

Kevalyn said, “What about me, the thing you used to be married to, as you like to call your ex, and some of your other buddies that you made unconditional loans to where you made it clear they didn't have to pay you back if they couldn't?”

Stefan shrugged. “OK, but that was relationships.”

“And tipping waitresses and waiters up to fifty percent?” asked Kevalyn.

“Sheesh! Their job was harder than mine, for less than minimum wage?”

“And you never could pass up a pan handler. If you didn’t have any money, you’d feel terrible,” said Kevalyn.

“I’m just glad to be out of the concept of economy,” said Stefan. “I hated it.”

“I’m glad I was never in it,” I said.

“Wasn’t your family line quite wealthy?” asked Catherine

"I personally never really technically owned any money in my entire life, though I had many nice things. Access to paper was a luxury of the few, and I even had some of my own books, which was almost unheard of for a child. I thank my grandfather for that. He was a major influence in my education, and influencing my desire to learn. I was just a spoiled perpetual student of sorts, and the only real work I ever did as a mortal, was take care of our animals, and help with the harvests, not that I had to.”

Macha said, “He just used to like to climb trees as a kid, and fruit picking was a good excuse to do it.”

I said, “The lady speaks the truth. I would have been a court scholar and artist, or perhaps turned to Druidic practises, if I’d stayed at Bri Leith. I would never have followed in my father’s footsteps, not that a runt like me could have even made a very imposing warrior. Even my mother was taller than I am, now.”

“Your father’s quite attractive, but what did your mother look like?” asked Aurore.

I materialised a picture of her in photographic form, and got up, and handed it to Aurore, who showed to Catherine, who handed it to Stefan, who handed it to Kevalyn.

“She was quite beutiful,” said Aurore.

“The Tuatha are a very attractive race, by mortal standards,” I said.

Aurore eyed Macha. “I see.”

“We’re flawless by design. We’re not native to Earth. Some of us just sort of adopted it as a new home. Of course we weren’t a very good role model, but at least we added some art to the culture,” I said.

“I think you were morally superior to what I lived in,” said Stefan.

“In some ways. We helped those in need, more. We didn’t look down on anyone because they fell into bad circumstances. We were also quick to kill. Then again, we had a more realistic understanding of death. We were more comfortable with it since we knew the truth about it, and being killed is the only way our kind can die.”

“Would you say you died the moment you were taken to Hades?” asked Catherine of me.

“Not really,” I said. “Our kind can travel the different planes with no problem after we learn how or are looked after before we learn how, if we’re born on Earth. We’re alien, on Earth. We look like you, perform all the same functions, but we’re descended from the Etheric. We retain all the abilities and traits of the Etheric. We just have to learn how to use them, if we’re Earthborn. And you and Aurore are just like us, now.”

And I thought I had questions to ask them. Oh, well.

I ended up explaining more about my people, and after our fourth cup of tea, it was mutually decided that I would ride.

I faded out and rematerialised in my black and silver leotards.


When I initially mounted Hesper for the show, I made sure to land, facing his tail. I gestured like it had been an accident. I planned to add a bit of comedy to this exhibition.

Hesper was as graceful, as ever. His gait was still as smooth as an oil slick, and he pranced and high-stepped like no tomorrow whenever he wasn’t doing a stunt-run. I might as well have been in telepathic communication with a very intelligent person, only communicating in pictures, instead of words, as I’d stated in a previous volume of this series.

When I did my handsprings, I deliberately ended up with only one foot on his back, and landing halfway on Hesper’s side, twice, allegedly holding on to his harness for dear life. The staged ‘mess-ups’ were harder to execute than doing it right.

Thanatos chuckled. “Donn can be such a clown. This isn’t real,” he said.

“His last performance was flawless,” said Catherine.

“So is this one,” said Thanatos. “By Donn’s standards, anyway.”

I did an aerial to dismount, and appeared to land with one foot touching the ground, one knee touching the ground and reaching up. Didn’t really happen. I landed just fine on both feet, and slid gracefully into position, as quickly as possible. If someone had a camera on me and played in slow motion, it would have been obvious, but hey! That wasn’t going to happen.

Hesper kept going for a few yards, reared, pirouetted, and I quickly got to my feet to remount. I stood up on his back, did a few Eastern dance moves, and dismounted as impressively as I could, again. When Hesper came around again, I didn’t mount him, but more or less vaulted over him. By the grace of Chaos, I landed on my feet with some degree of refinement.

I pushed myself to the limit. I put on the most impressive show I was ‘physically’ capable of. Indeed, my show would have been a Hell of a lot more impressive, if I’d gone Etheric, and been unaffected by gravity and such, but what’s the point of that? One might as well watch a cartoon.

After I dismounted for the last time, I faded out, and came back in my tunic, looking a hell of a lot less disheveled. I immediately walked over to Stefan, and sat by him, putting my arm around him.

“That was absolutely wonderful,” said Catherine.

“Thank you,” I said.

Catherine smiled. “You’re better than any Cossack I’ve ever seen.”

“That’s quite a compliment,” I said.

“I also have to thank you for this treat,” said Aurore.

“Might we also have another picnic?” asked Catherine. “I couldn’t duplicate Stefan’s fruit salad from that one time.”

“No problem,” said Thanatos.

Catherine pointed to some willows by a stream. “How about over there.”

“You’ve got taste, mi’lady,” said Thanatos. “Sure. Let’s go.”

Hesper walked with us.


When Deliah awoke, Thanatos was wrapped gently around her. “Hey, babe. You missed a killer ride by Donn. He did another exhibition.”

“Did you see it?”

“A piece of me, quoting that line from Hamlet. I’m also concurrently in Tir na nOg, enjoying a delightful picnic with the gang, Catherine the Great, and George Sand. Would you like to go?”

“I’d love to.” She lifted Thanatos’ arm, and turned to face him. “Is this a formal or casual affair?”

“Jeans and T-shirt’s fine. Why don’t I time trip us back, so you can watch the exhibition?”

Deliah did her best to hug Thanatos. She kissed him on the cheek. “You are so wonderful.”

Chapter 7

Hesper commandeered me after the picnic and Stefan came along to help, to Hesper’s expectations and delight.

We gave Hesper the full treatment. Brushing, wipe down, spa, and as much mollycoddling as he could take, until he got absolutely sick of it. It was one of the longest sessions of spoiling that pony I’ve ever been a part of, not that I minded. He didn’t leave us after we were done with him, so we ended up going back to Tir na nOg to kick back under an elm tree. Hesper wanted to be here, now, as opposed to Tech Duinn.

Hesper had lain down, and both Stefan and I propped ourselves against him, as if he were a pillow, though we both had a hand on him to scratch him behind the ears, on the neck, or his back.

Stefan asked me, “If you can turn yourself into a horse, why shouldn’t Hesper be able to turn himself into a person?”

“Maybe he can, but he doesn’t want to.”

“How can we ask him?”

“Wait a second.” I sent Hesper a picture of me shape shifting, then I sent him a picture of himself shape shifting. I got a picture of him biting me. “He’s hostile to the concept. He doesn’t want to, though I don’t know if he’s capable.”

He gave me a push with his nose.

“He’s capable,” I said. “He just doesn’t think it’s nice to request someone to change species, and he’s opposed to being anything other than what he was intended to be. I mean it’s like how would you like it if I said I’m never talking to you again until you materialise your original nose?”

“Then we’d be spending eternity in silence.”

“It’s a personal issue. Why don’t you take it up with Percy?”

Stefan smiled. “I’m under the definite impression, Percy likes being a cat! He’d probably bite my nose off if I suggested he become something else.”

“I wouldn’t be surprised.”



“I thought you liked my nose.”

“I do. It provides a good wind break in harsh weather.”

He moved closer to me, and put his arm around me. “Oh gods, how can I resist those loving words?”

“Later, 'ma’am'. Not even you come before Hesper, my dear.”

He chuckled. “Ooooh! Is that an implied promise, or a threat?”



Thanatos, Deliah, Macha and Kevalyn were back at the miniature golf course. No one was keeping score this time either, and they never would. Thanatos and Macha played a perfect game, Kev and Del were lost causes on this round, but they had a lot of fun, despite.

“I love Donn’s stunt riding exhibitions,” said Deliah.

“So do I,” said Macha. “He really outdid himself with the last one.”

“I don’t think you’ll be seeing a more impressive show,” said Thanatos. “That was about the limit of what he can do with himself as he was, with Donn having modified himself for a wee bit more needed power.”

“I didn't notice he was modified, but who cares?” asked Kevalyn. “It was a beautiful exhibit. Made even me almost want to go screw him. He is so incredibly gorgeous, and this new hobby flaunts it even more than his ice skating.”

“His new hobby would be more dangerous if he were mortal, but I think his skating is still more aesthetic,” said Thanatos.

“I’m blown away by Hesper. How much that pony loves Donn, to co-operate and work with him like that? I think Aslan would tell me to go to a place where the sun never shines if I suggested something of the sort,” said Deliah.

“I don’t think Aslan has to worry about it, Del,” said Thanatos. “My Grandfather will incarnate as a garden slug, before you become a stunt rider.”

“This is true,” said Deliah. “I ain’t the bad-ass, macho type of chick. Never was, never will be.”

“Not macho, but pretty bad ass with the mental games and dry wit,” said Kevalyn.

“One Macha is enough, thank you,” said Thanatos.

“Don’t look at me to be a stunt rider past what I need to know for combat riding,” said Macha. “I don’t like pain enough to train for something like that. I know what Donn went through.”

“He does so much for us,” said Deliah.

“He learned that for himself,” said Thanatos. “It’s just that we benefit from it as an afterthought. Anyone feel like going to the garden for some tea?”

“Japanese gazebo?” asked Kevalyn. It was obviously one of our favourite hangouts.

“Sounds great,” said Thanatos.

“Yeah. This course is a trip. I think I’ll play it myself a few times a little later for practise. I’m such a lousy putter,” said Kevalyn. “Do we walk, or transfer?”

“It’s only a half mile to the garden. Let’s walk,” said Macha.

“A most scenic half mile, I might add,” said Thanatos.


Me, Stefan and Hesper ended up more or less engaging in a sort of three-way conversation. A picture-thought conversation!

Hesper thought we were strange for eating when we didn’t have to, or indulging in any other ‘Physical’ instincts, which were only there due to non-innate memories of pre-death addictions, or adopted desires of others’ yearnings.

Yeah, right, Mr.-Give-Me-A Rubdown-In-The-Spa-With-A-Loofah-Sponge-For-An-Hour-Or-Two. The hypocricy of that message about floored Stefan. It was gentle reminder of how similar the other species really were to mankind, and all. Also, how wise they were in considering humanity superfluous, and wasting so much time on things that didn’t matter.

Stefan ended up hugging Hesper. Sidhe pony, or otherwise, Stefan was motivated by remembering how humanity abused the animal kingdom. No, there’s not a beasty alive that would have invented the can opener, or even the can, but they were along the correct track of thought, unless they got trained out of it through no fault of their own. So advanced by their own simplicity, they were.

Stefan crawled to Hesper’s head, and kissed him on the forehead. “I can’t believe I’m talking to a horse, and he’s talking back and out-philosophising me”

“Well, you’re not actually talking. I think, communicating is a better word. You usually got what Percy wanted to convey to you when you were living on Earth.”

“I could communicate with him better than he with me. I knew about the thought pictures, but it’s a lot harder to receive than it is to send when you’re just a dip-shit mortal, ya know?”

I leaned over to him, and ruffled his hair. “You weren’t a dip-shit.”

“No, I guess not. I was a twat plug.”

I shook my head, and smiled. “I’d delete that passage where I called you that, if I could.”

“I’m glad you can’t. It was one of the funniest things in the book, only behind you contemplating telling Macha to get a vibrator, and her leaving you high and dry that one time.”

I had to laugh. “Stefan, you are so adorable.”

“Thanks. You know, I have this strong urge to check out our workload in psychopompery?”

“I kind of feel that pull myself. Hesper?”

Hesper whickered, and signalled us, he was going to stand.

“We’re off, I guess,” said Stefan.

“As soon as we get dressed for it, anyway.”

The Druid, the angel, and the palomino pony! Stefan wouldn’t be calling Shiva, for this.


As soon as Kevalyn sat down, she said, “I remember! I remember the Other-life skating exhibit that Donn gave, and everything else before that.”

“I don’t remember anything,” said Deliah.

“You won’t,” said Thanatos. “You were in The White City, long before us. You didn’t live with us before, so there’s nothing for you to remember, and you won’t remember The White City, until you either are there, or just before the transfer, because not even you would be spared the emotional trauma of knowing what it is, and not being there.”

“But I can be there,” said Deliah.

Thanatos said, “You specifically asked to be relocated to Tech Duinn. You wanted to be with us, and experience our fun and dysfunctionality. Only thing is, we’re not even ten percent as dysfunctional as we used to be.”

“I don’t think you’re dysfunctional at all,” said Deliah. “It’s still fun being with you guys, though, despite the fact the humourous volatility seems to be mostly inspired by Stefan’s nose.”

Kevalyn and Macha laughed. “Even Kyle made an issue of her nose, when Stefan was said mortal,” said Kevalyn.

Thanatos smiled. “It takes all kinds, huh?”

“Oh, yeah,” said Kevalyn. “I wouldn’t change a thing, though. It was fun. Still is.”

“Definitely,” said Macha. She put her arm around Kevalyn, and kissed her on the cheek. “Gods, what you must have put up with.”

“Endless compliments of my nose hairs, and threats of exile if I dare trim them,” said Kevalyn.

“So, you weren’t unconditionally kept,” said Deliah, before having a sip of her tea.

“No,” said Kevalyn. “I was valued for my nose hairs. Nothing else mattered.”

Macha chuckled. “Too bad Stefan isn’t here to defend himself.”

Thanatos said, “Red Tail would say that Kevalyn was telling the truth. It was a lifelong game that they played.”

“Why are my memories of the former life so vague?” asked Macha. “It’s like I’m almost aware of them, but not quite.”

“Why don’t you reread Donn’s first three books, and meditate on them,” said Thanatos.

“I think I will,” said Macha. “After this get-together!”

“Mind if I join you?” asked Kevalyn.

“Not at all, Kevin,” said Macha.

“If that’s not a hint, huh?” asked Deliah.

“Totally,” said Kevalyn.

“Too bad Donn didn’t write some scenes as racy as Kyle’s,” said Macha.

“No, but Donn did have to bloody write about how Kyle’s stories affected me when I was on my second incarnation,” said Thanatos.

“Unbridled passion, as opposed to every move controlled, along with true, desperate desire, as opposed to operating on a feeling of obligation, huh?” asked Deliah.

“If I looked at making out in such a flat lined way as you say, we’d be doing it a lot less.”

“You NEVER instigate it,” said Deliah.

“I don’t have to. You instigate it enough for everyone at Tech Duinn.” He sent non-verbally, ‘Wanna make out after this?’

Deliah winked at him. ‘Hell yeah! Can you pretend you’re still all Keith?’

‘I’m sure I can, but I’m not sure I will.’

‘Is that a statement denoting detachment, or aversion?’ sent Deliah.

Thanatos looked up at Macha and Kevalyn. “If you two will excuse us, I have a point to prove to a lady who’s too intelligent for my own good.”

They disappeared from the garden.


Stefan and I landed in the tower after our stint as Gate Keepers. Hesper had decided to go his own way. “Only five cases? We worked a lot harder last time around, huh?” asked Stefan.

I chuckled. “Statistically, we never worked that hard. Obscurity has its advantages, but aye! From what I wrote, we do seem to be doing a bit less. Probably, because we already took care of what we had to take care of, and we don’t repeat what we did on that last time around. We have less work, because we already did it, I imagine.”

“Makes sense to me,” said Stefan, as we looked over to Ireland.

There were clouds and a flash of light to the far west. “Electric storm incoming,” I said.

“The winds are pretty ballistic, too. Wanna go temperature sensitive in a bit?”

“Stefan, why are you such a glutton for punishment?”

“Then how about just before we leave the tower? Then we can run to the couch with the fireplace, and snuggle while drinking a couple gallons of tea or hot chocolate?”

I smiled. “Hot chocolate with whipped cream and cinnamon stick sounds good. Sure! Just before we leave here? That might be a while.”

“All right by me,” he said, as he put his arm around me, covering my back with his cloak.

I held him, in turn.

We experienced the storm coming in, getting insensately wind-whipped, a little wet, and watching one of the most impressive shows that nature had to offer. We just stood there, wrapped around each other, and taking it all in, though we did go from open window to open window, getting an eyeful from all four directions.

We ended up walking, rather than running to the couch. Having gone temperature sensate, walking by the spa sure was tempting, but we refrained. The trip to the couch, and the more delicate warm up procedure of fire, snuggle and hot beverage held a greater appeal for both of us, at the moment.


The rather slight Deliah half rested on Thanatos. “Keeeeeeeith...was that so bad?”

He ran his hand through her hair. “It wasn’t me. Not my style. What you had me do made it seem more like I was on the clock at a corporation, or something.”

“Isn’t it always like that?”

“Del, I love making out with you. My way. I think you’re a work of art to be delicately appreciated as opposed to being selfishly savaged.”

“You hardly savaged me, and what you did wasn't selfish. It was for my sake. You like preparing me like a gourmet meal, huh?”

Thanatos smiled. “I couldn’t have put it better, myself.”

“I love that too, but I must admit I do like a little variety. Keith?”


“How about we do what Macha and you used to do. Fight it out?”

“Del, you wouldn’t last three seconds against me.”

Deliah raised herself, and ran her finger down Thanatos’ nose. “I’m thinking more like, if I can last a hundred and fifty moves or more against you on the chess board, we do it my way, and if you defeat me sooner, it’s your way.”

“I like that.”

“As I am, I’m sorry I can’t sling you over my shoulder to carry you away to ravish you, though.”

“That’s quite all right. Now, what do you want to do?”

“How about tea and a game of chess?”

Thanatos sat up. “You know, there’s a powerful electric storm going on, right now?”

“OK, let’s watch that for a while first, and then have that tea, and game of chess.”

“Storm watch in the garden?”

“Hell yeah!”

“Sure. Let’s transfer, though. Direct under the fully roofed English gazebo?”

“Love it.”

Another shared ‘addiction’. We had enough of them.


After I finished my second cup of hot chocolate, I suddenly had a very clear influx of memories of my former life. The integration process was happening with full force. I was hit with all the garbage I’d put Stefan through, and I just threw myself around him. “Stef! I’m re-integrating again, but more fully.”

He dematerialised his cup, which hadn’t been quit empty, and held me. “I’ve done some of that.”

“So have I, but not like this. Vague bits and pieces, but now it’s like I was just bombarded with all these graphic, intense memories of what my former self wrote about all at once, and a whole lot more that my former self didn’t write about, and I am so sorry for all the crap and torture I put you through in that last...uh...incarnation, for the lack of a better word.”

“Donn, the life of Stefan in your stories was beautiful. A little frustrating at times, but hey! It wasn’t bad. I mean, you weren’t off limits to me completely. Not in the ways that were really important, anyway. I love being here with you like this, just snogging it up.”

I kissed him on the cheek. “So do I.”

“Is the integration having an effect on your personality?”

“Only in making me wonder on why I was so damn weird.”

“So you’re staying as you are, and not blending with what you were.”

“Not anymore than Keith and Thanatos blended after their integration. Keith was left on the back burner. The memories of the experiences are there, but I am what I am.”

Stefan kissed me on the nose. “Good.”

I shifted my position so I was just leaning against Stefan with one arm around him, and I moved the blanket on our laps to a more organised looking state. I also materialised a cup of tea in my free hand. I couldn’t deal with too much hot chocolate. Two cups were my limit. It was just too rich, for someone who preferred lighter beverages.

Stefan on the other hand, went for one more hot chocolate. The one who considered a quarter pound cube of butter a single serving, even when a mortal named Kyle; wasn’t fazed by the third helping of thick cocoa topped with whipped cream! His version of cocoa was made with half cream, and half milk. Mine had been all milk.

As he had a sip, I commented, “With the way you used to eat, I’m surprised you didn’t weigh a half a ton when we picked you up.”

“I was a little pudgy.”

“Fifteen pounds overweight after the stuff you ate, wasn’t bad.”

“I was always on the move at work,” said Stefan.

“Aye. Walking back and forth in a room monitoring the online, printing a few reports every day, and running a few internal errands for the behind the counter folk up front. Not exactly running the marathon.”

Stefan shrugged. “Fast metabolism, not that any of that is relevant any more.”

“True.” I had a sip of my tea. I brushed the side of my face against his shoulder. “Stef, can you change gender for a while?”

“Damn straight! Wanna do anything?”

“For now, just snuggle. In a while, I have no idea."

"OK." He faded out to return in the feminine.

I leaned back into her. “Thanks. What do you want to do after this?”

He closed his eyes. “Are you in the mood to read some classical poetry with me?”

“I’m not opposed. Sure. Here?”

“Nah! I’d rather be prone under an electric blanket, in a room on the exterior of the castle so we can hear the thunder, and the stronger gusts of wind.”


“Sure. Off to my bedroom, then! Who are you reading?” asked Stephanie.


“I think I want to read Wolfe. I haven’t reviewed her in a while.”

“Excellent choice. Maybe I’ll check out some of her works, as well.”

“When we go, want to walk, or transfer?”

“This time, I think I’d rather transfer,” I said. I finished my fast cooling tea, and dematerialised the cup.

Stef’s turn to kiss me on the cheek! She dematerialise her unfinished cup, and said, “Let’s.”


Macha and Kevalyn were over a chessboard and Kev was getting beaten as always, but she was holding up better than ever! Macha suddenly tensed. “Ye gods! It’s happening”


“The integration. I remember all the way up to what Donn wrote about me being time tripped back by Thanatos, to fight the Formorians.”

Kevalyn got up, and stood beside Macha, putting an arm around her. “Are you OK?”

“I just suddenly feel like my life was twice as long, or something. All these memories that I knew about from an intellectual perspective, just becoming a part of me! I’m fine, though. No worse than you. It’s just that with you, the process has been more gradual, and it’s been going on a lot longer.”

“I’m sort of living two lives at once, but the other one isn’t that important. A knowledge, but nothing more.”

Macha looked up at Kevalyn, and smiled. “I’ve been waiting for this. Gods, I used to be so different.”

“I know. We read about it.”

“But now, I intrinsically know how I was, and I don’t have to see that aspect of me as a fictional character anymore.”

“That’s one way to put it,” said Kevalyn.

“Let’s go find Thanatos.”

“I’m sure he’ll be pleased to find out what’s happened.”

“No doubt.”


Macha and Kevalyn appeared beside Thanatos and Deliah under the gazebo in the garden, after warning them of their ‘incoming’.

Of course, Thanatos and Deliah were wrapped around each other. Macha stroked Deliah’s hair, and then went to other side ot Thanatos, and put her arm around him. “I fully remember my other life to the point of where you helped me with the Formorians.”

He kissed her on the cheek. “Good.” He closed his eyes. “Donn just had that happen to him as well. A little before you, actually! We’ll be going to our other home soon.”

“Is a part of you in The White City now?” asked Deliah.

Thanatos said, “Hell, yeah.”

Deliah looked over to Macha. “So, would you like to borrow 'Keith', for a while?”

“Keith, huh? Love to. Especially if he’s acting like his old Keithy self,” said Macha. “Before I challenged him, anyway.”

Thanatos looked at Macha. “You really know how to push the envelope, huh?”

“Like a postmaster, baby.”

Thanatos asked, “How about later?” He ruffled Deliah’s hair. “This little slave driver is making me contemplate long term celibacy again.”

“You wouldn’t!” said Deliah.

“I jest,” said Thanatos.

“Thank the gods,” said Macha. She looked up as the lightning flashed. “Nice storm.”

Kevalyn linked herself to the chain, by putting her arm around Macha. “Isn’t it, though?”

“We miss a lot of them by not paying attention,” said Thanatos.

“This is so awesome, with the heavy rains, the undouse-able torches, and the temporary daylight from the lightning. I never could have dreamed an electrical storm could be so impressive. The castle, is the ultimate backdrop,” said Deliah, as she turned her head to the House of Donn.

“Thanatos, I know we didn’t come back here the last time we went to The White City, because we didn’t want to. What if I don’t want to not want to come back here, this time around?” asked Kevalyn.

“That almost sounds like a Stefanism,” said Thanatos. “In reality, this place is pretty mundane compared to the levels of The White City. There’s no reason you can’t experiment, but after you’re there for a while, I can guarantee you won’t think of this place in the same way anymore. Comparatively this is the most beautiful place you’ve ever been to in your recent memory, but it’s really nothing to what else is out there.”

They all ended up facing the castle. “I kind of wish Donn and Stefan were here,” said Deliah.

Thanatos closed his eyes. “They’ve already had their enjoyment of watching the storm from the tower. In fact they saw it come in. Now they’re listening to it, while reading poetry in bed.”

“That sounds like fun, too,” said Macha. “I could use another dose of Maya Angelou.”

“Oh gods, she is good,” said Kevalyn.

“After this, is there any reason we can’t all snuggle up somewhere and read whatever we want?” asked Deliah.

“Nope. Not at all,” said Thanatos. “Couch, or modify a bed, though with you three in the same room, read is all I want to do.”

The women all chuckled. Deliah said, “Understood!”

“How’s about we make my bed wider,” suggested Deliah. My room’s smaller, and the fireplace keeps it warmer, and I am going temperature sensitive for something like that.

“Sure,” said Kevalyn. “I’m going sensitive, too. It’s way more fun.”


Stephanie and I ended up reading our stuff aloud to each other, with me doing most of the reading. We’d never done anything like that before, and I thought it was pretty sweet. I didn’t finish Pharsalia, of course, but a copy would be on Stephanie’s side table, before we passed out, pressed against each other. It was so comforting to have her wrapped around me, while listening to the crackle of the fire, and the claps of thunder, while under a nice, warm electric blanket.

Chapter 8

Thanatos ended up doing a verbal reading of quite a bit of ‘The Maya Angelou Poetry Collection’. Macha, Kevalyn and Deliah were rapt, listening to him. His Irish accented tenor was attractive and hypnotic, not to mention he was reading one of the most spellbinding poets of the twentieth-twenty first centuries that existed! They were having a blast, and this sort of thing would become a new past time for a while, though in the future all six of us would be together, instead of us being split up like this. Thanatos would be the general reader.


With me, Stephanie woke up first, and she chose to make use of the situation. It wouldn’t be the first time, and it wouldn’t be the last. It’s just that I’ve not written of it before, but let’s just say she chose to wake me up in such a fashion, that it was a bit of a challenge for me not to wrap myself immediately around one of the bedposts, not that I mean this in a bad way. It’s happened to everyone, in every combination, I must admit.

When we left the bed, of course the storm was over. Stephanie had become Stefan again, and we immediately transferred to the beach, desensitised of our former temperature sensitivity.

The sky was a clear blue. There wasn’t a cloud in sight. The grassy plains on the main island would smell wonderful no doubt, as if we were going to go there.

Yeah, right! Not!

The scent of the ocean was intoxicating. It was high tide, and the salt air couldn’t be more invigorating. Stef and I just couldn’t resist shedding our attire and running through the surf. We even went for a short swim in the now calm water. It would have felt relatively warm out here, if we could have been aware of it. Of course, I speak of the air temperature, and not the water. The water was cold, and if we were in a state to feel it, we wouldn’t have gone for that swim. There was a limit to our degree of masochism.

After we got out of the water we had a light snog in the sand, and ended up walking to the garden, getting ourselves fully dressed halfway there. “I wish it were cloudy,” said Stefan.

“Soon enough,” I said.

“I feel like spending more time outside when it’s night, or foggy, or stormy.”

“That’s easy enough to do,” I said, as we entered the garden. We sat under a gazebo with gridded walls, and a slat roof, with grape vines all over it. Stefan grabbed a bunch of grapes, before we sat down.

“Aye. All we have to do is be aware of the desire to be outside, and check. Want some grapes?” he asked, as he held out the bunch.

“Sure.” I pulled a small stalk off, and ended up with eight grapes. “That’s enough, thanks.”

“I wish Thanatos were here.”

I closed my eyes. “He’s in a discussion regarding Maya Angelou’s poetry. He’s not going anywhere, unless you want him to split himself up a little more.”

“No. That’s OK. Maybe later.”



“Are you poemed out yet?”


“Let’s read what they’re talking about, time trip back, and join the conversation,” I suggested.

“Maya Angelou? Oh, yeah! Where?”

“NOT in bed.”

Stefan ended up laughing so hard, he almost hit the floor!


When we walked into their meeting, Stefan made no qualms about planting himself directly in Thanatos’ lap.

Deliah said, “Now, why didn’t I think of that?” She was to his right side.

Thanatos looked at her. “You are a more comfortable lap animal.”

Deliah grimaced. “Never mind.”

“Shall I lighten the load?” asked Stefan.

“And ditch the cloak,” said Thanatos.

Stefan dematerialised the cloak, and switched gender. “Better?”

“Much,” said Thanatos. About fifteen or twenty pounds lighter made a difference!

“I read you, and...” I started saying.

Thanatos interrupted me, “I felt it and you dug what we were talking about, so you read what I read to these guys, and you time tripped to now to be with us.”

“Right,” I said. “So, where are we?”

“I was talking about how depressing ‘I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings’ is,” said Macha.

“No argument from me,” I said.

“She really makes you think,” said ‘Stephanie’. “I loved her when I was in high school. It also seems that the best and most under-represented in so many arts are of African decent. Comics...Aaron McGruder, ‘In Living Colour’ was the best variety show there ever was, I love Alice Walker, and Donn’s skating teacher...Surya Bonaly. I also met a wonderful healer, named Reverend Delorise Lucas. Powerful telepath, too! She was part Blackfoot.”

“It’s a drag how history buries Africa,” I said.

“Stupid,” said Stephanie. “‘Human Family’ should be a must read for everyone. It’s sooooo true.”

“More than ever, with what you know now, huh?” asked Thanatos.

“Totally,” said Stephanie. “It pisses me off now, but in life I had so few black friends. Only co-workers and casual contacts! I wanted to get closer to so many, but I never had time.”

“You had so few friends, period!” said Thanatos. You didn’t have time for anyone, regardless of colour. Either you were working a ton of overtime, and that last year when your job cut the hours back all the way, you were working to transcribe Donn’s books.”

“The best seven months of my life,” said Stephanie. “I only wish I knew it was real for sure, instead of all of the uncertainty.”

“You would have been a hopeless snot, Stef,” said Thanatos. “You would have been insufferable. You might even have driven Kevin up the wall.”

Stephanie chuckled. “Yeah, I was like that.”

Thanatos gently scraped his fangs on Stephanie’s neck. “You can make up for your lost time, after we get off this island for good. The White City is a rainbow of all cultures, despite its name.”

Stephanie chuckled. “Ooh, that felt good. Yeah, it’s only called that because of the building materials. Del, can I take Thanatos away from you for a while, later?”

Deliah still had her arm around him, though he’d let go of her, to hold Stephanie. “Oh, I suppose so. Will you make it up to me?”

Stephanie looked at Deliah. “And then some.”

Thanatos looked at Deliah. “Of course, I have no say in the matter.”

“None, whatsoever,” said Deliah. She looked at Stephanie. “We could share him again.”

“Not like last time, babe,” said Thanatos. “Digging four graves consecutively with a spade would have been easier on me, than what you put me through.”

“I think I’d like to hear this,” said Macha.

Thanatos looked at her. “No you wouldn’t!”

Macha chuckled. “Well, I can guess. I mean I have my memories of Keith back, you know?”

Thanatos held onto Stephanie a little tighter, as he laughed. “Oh, Macha. Can you please refrain from going there?”

“I thought we were supposed to be talking about Maya Angelou, anyway,” I said.

“We are,” said Thanatos. ‘Thank you, Donn.’

And to the proper subject we detoured.


After the discussion, Macha and Kevalyn left us. Apparently Stephanie and Deliah also changed their minds about having their way with Thanatos, because Stephanie went straight over to me after getting out of Than’s lap, took my hand, and changed back to the masculine gender. We ended up walking up to the more intimate meeting room with the circular couch. The seating arrangement was Stefan, myself, Thanatos, and Deliah; and of course, we all had our tea. My cup was currently on the table, and I was leaned heavily against Thanatos, and had pulled Stefan in my direction.

“My memories are incorporating so much of the latter stuff I wrote about in ‘Life With Thanatos,’” I said. “We’re due to leave here very soon, I assume.”

“Correct,” said Thanatos.

“What’s keeping us here, now?” I asked. “We don’t have the stupid psychological problems we had in the stories.”

He kissed me on the temple. “Besides the lust issue? If I was to tell you what we were going right now, you’d be a bit perturbed, huh?”

I thought it over. “Yes, I believe I would be. I guess now the problem is getting Tech Duinn out of our system.”

“Hm hm. Of course, you could theoretically come back any time,” said Thanatos.

“I personally love this place. The library? I mean, it must be the biggest library in existence,” said Deliah.

“Biggest library on Earth, so to speak, and not one piece of garbage in it.” I said.

“Tiddlywinks compared to the Akashic Library, not that you find books there,” said Thanatos.

“Are there any miniature golf courses in the White City?” asked Deliah.

“Miniature, regular, tennis courts, everything.” said Thanatos.

“But no night,” said Stefan. “No storms. That part sucks, I think.”

“So, if the storms don’t come to you, go to the storms! Sheesh! Donn wrote about that option,” said Thanatos.

“What are we going to do to celebrate our moving on?” asked Deliah.

“Short of you making use of all three of us, simultaneously?” asked Thanatos.

“Damn telepaths,” said Deliah. “How about a last meal then, before our interest in food starts to wane.”

“Sure. More of Stefan’s fruit salad,” I said.

“I can dig it, you know?” asked Thanatos.

Both Deliah and Stefan smiled, and shook their heads.

I asked, “And your place in The City is still as it was described?”

“Top three floors from the start, with eleven and twelve being mostly communal. Deliah has a pre-decorated room ready on the top floor,” said Thanatos.

“Cool,” said Deliah. “Tons of pictures of you, Donn, and Stefy-poo?”

“Aye,” said Thanatos. “And one of you and me.”

“That ‘me in shredded toga’ thing that Donn described in ‘The White City’?”

“Hm hm. You loved it then, and you’ll love it now. After all, it is quite tasteful.”

“Can you send me a mental image?” asked Deliah.

“Sure.” Thanatos closed his eyes, and more or less sent her a ‘thought photo’.

“Gods, that is gorgeous,” said Deliah.

Thanatos looked at me. “Wouldn’t it be a trip if Del started dressing like royalty from ancient Greece, or Israel, or Babylon, or whatever?”

“Is that a hint?” asked Deliah.

“Is it that obvious?” asked Thanatos

“Will it get me sc...” (rewed more? She didn’t have to finish, and we didn’t have to be telepathically active.)

“Not possible!” interrupted Thanatos. “Del, you make the Macha of Donn’s first book seem conservative. I mean, if someone turns you down, you just go through the roster until you find someone that’s game.”

“With her looks, it’s easy enough,” I said.

Thanatos kissed me on the temple. ‘As if any of us fall short,’ he sent me.

“Thank you, Donn. Is that a pass?” asked Deliah?

I had to chuckle. “Oh, sure. It’s been a little while, hasn’t it?”

Deliah got up, and forced herself between Thanatos and I, wrapping herself around me. “Cool.”

In about two seconds, I found myself sitting on the edge of Del’s bed.


Thanatos and Stefan stared at the empty spot of where Deliah and I had been sitting. They both did a double take before virtually laughing their heads off, and moving closer together. “Ye gods, that woman is something else,” said Stefan.

“So conservative in life, but now...”

“Hey, if the door to the cage is opened, might as well fly, huh?”

Thanatos raised his teacup. “Well phrased, my dear.”

“In a little while, can we ride double on Gilgamesh through the Elysian Fields?”



I’d started with Deliah by brushing out her thick, raven mane. I was going to move slow, and appreciate her flawless feminine aesthetics to the fullest, and I didn’t care how much she begged, or yelled at me to get on with it. I could feel her slowly accelerating desperation, and she could feel my determination in not backing down to her. We both knew I was going to ‘win’ this one, and Deliah really didn’t mind.

I worked an exotic floral scented oil into her that she liked after we mutually undressed her, but not a shred of my own clothing was yet out of place.

So delicate, so petite, so curvy, and so absolutely ravishing! She finally got up, unclasped my belt, and my tunic fell apart. She materialised a very sharp knife, and cut away the support of my leotards, and skivvies. “Are you, and Keith, and Stefan all three different versions of the same person?” she asked, very quick to notice that I wasn’t overtly aroused...yet, anyway.

“No. We just appreciate each other’s styles so much, that we ended up emulating each other to a degree where you can’t tell the difference. I mean, we dish out what we like, we do everything in our power to please each other, so we just sort of ended up with identical modes and expectations, and the aggressor is there to serve the passive party exclusively, so we hold ourselves back until it's our turn to be pleasured.”

“Thanatos is a little wilder,” she said.

“Not with me, he’s not. I don’t care for that aspect of what you do. Thanatos is a bit more willing to compromise his intrinsic nature for you. I’ve patterned myself after his true self. So has Stefan, since Stef likes his innate style so much.”

“You and Red Tail aren’t quite as graceful, but I do appreciate your artistry,” she said, as she pounced on me to knock me on my back.

Deliah took over for a while. She took me to a delectable apex, which of course we both felt. We traded places, and we finally connected seconds after I took her to the edge in her own right, which completed the process in our state of heightened sensitivity in one move, and then I took us Astral to get the full emotional surge of what was happening.

It was the only way to go, as I’ve probably said before more than once.

When we got back to the physical, we passed out in an entangled mess. Yes, we’d ‘connected’ before falling unconscious, and that was how I’d wake.


‘Stephanie’ was seated in front of Thanatos on Gilgamesh, as the tall stallion was off at a leisurely canter down a trail through a forested section of the better parts of Hades.

They were in a remote locale, and they wouldn’t run into anyone or anything. They didn’t want to. They just wanted some time alone, which they hadn’t had in a while.

Soon, Gilgamesh slowed to a walk, sensing his riders’ desire for a calmer ride. “Thanks, Gil,” said Stephanie, as she stroked his neck. “Than, are they already having those cultural parties in The White City, or do we have to get them started again?”

“They’re having them. Everything we set up before is in place. Even Donn’s books are popular. More so than when you all actually lived there.”

“Can I ask you a question?”

“Hm hm.”

“Before I saw you putt your way through a perfect game, have you ever picked up a golf club of any sort before in all of your existence?” asked Stephanie

“No. I just judge angle, distance, force, and do it. I’m an instinctually mathematical creature.”

“That’s why you never miss your target in archery?!”

“Aye. I’m not going to waste my time on it, but I could also play on a single pinball forever, and don’t even think of challenging me to a game of pool.”

Stephanie pressed herself into him. “You’re so Vulcan, in some ways.”

Thanatos scraped his fangs on the side of her neck. “Oh, no I’m not. I have feelings, unlike your former Star Trek heroes.”

“Feelings, but no uncontrolled passions.”

“Hm hm. Drives both Deliah and Macha up the wall.”

“I noticed. I wouldn’t have you any other way. When we shared Deliah, I don’t think I ever saw such obvious esteem ever shown a lover, as what you did with her. And you are so damn perfect, and beautiful in your movements!”

“I show you the same,” said Thanatos.

“But I’m too busy enjoying you, to watch.”

“You know, we don’t have much time left here.”

“Are you actually instigating something?”

“Purely noncontact Tantra?” asked Thanatos. "I admit most of the time I think that's a waste of time, but once in a while..."


Chapter 9

I awoke before Deliah did, thank the gods! It saved me from the request for the conventional rutting fuck that I would rather not engage in. I’d put up with it occasionally if I couldn’t talk myself out of it, but there were a million other ways I’d rather make out.

I gently got myself free of Deliah, dressed, and sat in a chair facing the bed with a cup of creamed black lichee tea. I was also glad to wake up first, or I had the feeling it would have been quite a while before we’d have left the room.

I relit the fire, and wondered if I should materialise a book, or wake the lovely hedonist.

I decided to finish the tea and wake her up.

I sat beside her, and stroked her hair. “Del?”

She stretch, smiled, and took my hand. “Verrrrrrgil.”

“Sleep well?”

She sat up. “Oh, yeah.” She got off the bed, faded from my view and came back dressed in a long, sheer, sleeveless, multi-layered, lavender dress, lots of silver jewelry, as in bracelets, asp armlets, rings, pendants, silvered cross garter sandals, and a tiara. She’d kohled her eyes Egyptian style, and she looked about as regal as they come.

“You look absolutely stunning,” I said.

“I know. Want to go to the library?”

“Love to.”

“I want to check out some of the early American poets.”

“Maya Angelou’s got you hooked, huh?”

“Oh, yeah,” she said.

I had a few more sips of tea, and dematerialised the half-empty cup. I stood up, and kissed her on the forehead. “Dressing like this will probably get you screwed more, but now shall we walk or transfer?” Strange thing for me to say right now, considering it was the last thing I wanted at the moment, but later was another matter. What a ravishing sight she was.

“I’d rather walk,” she said, extending her hand.

I took it, and as we took a leisurely walk to the library, I said, “Del, you have no idea how happy I am that we met.”

“Surely, I can’t begin to compare to Thanatos.”

I chuckled. “That’s not what I’m thinking of. You are just so damn funny. The whole concept of how you just sort of took us over, all your one liners, and such.”

“And my art, of course.”

“Yes! You’ve become one hell of a painter on those rare occasions when you come up with something.”

“And speaking of art, when are you going to skate for me, again?”

“How about after you get the poetry out of your system, but let’s see if Stefan wants to do any teamwork, and if anyone else wants to watch?”

“Sure,” she said. “I hope Stef does want to join you. It’s pretty impressive on how synchronised you two are. Too bad he still can’t do a triple axel.”

“It’s a confidence thing. He’s strong enough to do it. I mean, we’re evenly matched,” I said.

“He still doesn’t do aerials, either.”

“I don’t think he ever will. Trust me! It was painful for me to learn how, too.”

“But now you do it like you walk across the hall.”

“It’s easy, once you get the knack,” I said.

“Isn’t it like that with everything?”

“Hm hm.”

“By the way, do you know if Sylvia Plath is any good?”

I grimaced. “I’ve read a few pieces, and I couldn’t stand any of it. Some of it literally churned my stomach.”

“So she’s intense.”

“I guess she’s good, but not in a way I like. I don’t like dwelling on abuse, and random lines of killing. She’s so negative, and has a lot of gratuitous hostility and violence in her work. I like epic poetry, romantic poetry, and the intellectually provocative stuff, like Maya Angelou. I don’t want to read about someone continuously venting their madness and anger, if you can even think me fit to give an opinion.”

“How much did you read?” she asked

“Only about ten or eleven pieces. They weren’t very long, and I just couldn’t get into it, but Plath is in the library. I suggest you check her out yourself.”

“I think I will.”

“I know exactly where they’re at.”

“So do I,” said Deliah. “Wanna run?”

I looked at her. “With you dressed like that?”

“It’s not a confining dress. I can do it.”

I looked to the ceiling. “Sure.”

I let her set the pace, and I followed easily. She took the stairs, two at a time. She wasn’t a ‘fluffy’ runner. She had a good, determined style. She was just so damn short. I was around six inches taller than her. Then again, that's how much taller 'Keith' had been than me when we'd first met, not that my current added inch and a half made much difference in how he could whup my ass in any sport.


Thanatos and Stephanie had technically engaged in only a mental interlude, with Thanatos taking full control of the situation and taking them Astral at the high point. When they returned, neither one of them needed to crash out, but they did relax under a fully loaded tree of black figs, and they’d picked a few to munch on. “I definitely have qualms about the concept of not being able to go lower than the realms of The White City without being subject to discomfort,” said Stephanie. “I mean, you can do it! Why shouldn’t we be able to?”

“As soon as you learn how to divide yourself up, you can. A part of me is always in The White City.”

“Can you teach us how to do that like you taught us so much else? The instantaneous route?”

Thanatos started peeling a fig. “I can help, but not all the way. This is a personal evolution thing dealing with the finer points of time tripping. There’re some things you just don’t want to rush.”

“Instead of bitching about it, I think I’ll listen to you,” said Stephanie. “Now, a part of me wants to switch gender, and a part of me wants know...”

Thanatos chuckled. “You still can’t say it.”

“And I’ll never pet Donn’s nose again if he writes it. Want my last two figs?”

“Sure. You obviously don’t really want to change gender right now. Also, in my present state of mind, I am likely to pass out at your side if you take me over.”

“And I may join you,” said Stephanie, as she gave Thanatos the figs.

He kissed her on the cheek, and stroked her hair. “I think I’ll hold off for a little on the rest of the fruit.”

Stephanie closed her eyes, and leaned against the tree trunk. “You are so sweet.”

He scraped his fangs on the side of her neck. “So are you.”


Deliah was sitting at the end of the aisle on one of the chairs, and she said, “This isn’t that bad.”

I materialised my own copy of ‘Ariel’, and went through a few of the pieces. I read Lady Lazarus, a piece I’d missed before. “A bit of disdain for her own culture. Reminds me a little of Kyle Shannon, but...uh...Kyle was more eloquent in the way she dealt with her issues, I think.”

“This stuff is a little graphic, but it gets the point across. I think she’s great.”

“It’s the graphics that disturb me,” I said. “I’ve experienced the stuff she writes about personally when on the job, you know? The reliving of other peoples’ lives?! And to immortalise that garbage in poetry just doesn’t sit with me. I must admit she is good, though. I just don’t like dwelling on the material.”

“Why don’t you invite her here, provided she got away with the suicide and she’s available.”

“Stefan would love to meet her. I’ll see if Thanatos can hunt her down later.”

“Stefan...or should I say Kyle, resented being German for the same reason Sylvia did, and both Sylvia and Kyle hated their mothers, and both were as suicidal as hell.” said Deliah.

I smiled. “If she comes here, she’ll love us. I don’t feel the same way about her, as I do her poetry.”

“You obviously studied up on her.”

“Indeed I did!” I said.

“Why don’t we take this to bed and read the whole thing? It seems to me as if her writing was therapy for her. You might like some of it. You read hardly anything by her, so how can you judge from reading one percent of her works?”

“Considering the awards she’s won, sure. In bed, though?! Haven’t we spent enough time there?” I still haven’t recovered from the last time.

“OK, then on the couch in front of the perpetually burning fireplace, under cover with tea in front of us,” said Deliah.

“Temperature sensitive, of course.”

“Definitely. Increase the pleasure of the snuggle factor,” she said.

“Like I’m going to argue?” That sounded nice.


Kevalyn put her guitar on the stand as Macha swung her legs over the bench of the organ to face her. “That was pretty good. Your composition has a strong French style. It’s beautiful, though. Considering how much you like classical music, I’m surprised you write so little of it.”

“Maybe I’ll start working on writing more of it.”

“Now, we have to see if the rest of the gang wants to contribute something, or if this is going to be a two man project,” said Macha.

Kevalyn smiled. “Two ‘man’ project? Yeah right!”

Macha shrugged. “That can be theoretically arranged.”

“Macha, have you ever taken a masculine form in your entire existence?”

“Once, for about ten minutes. There was no one around, and if you tell anyone I’ll have to kill you.”

“Understood,” said Kevalyn, barely succeeding in controlling her laughter.


Deliah and I read for a while, and she said, “Let’s find Thanatos to bring Sylvia here.”

“OK. It’s also nice to know that not all of her work is a slap upside, but I do like our poetry better.”

“Our poetry tells a story. It’s more direct. Sylvia uses a lot of symbolism which I’m not sure I always understand.”

“Hm hm. Let me zero in on Thanatos,” I said.

I closed my eyes. “Elysian fields with Stefan...Stephanie. Not quite asleep. We have an invite.”

“Let’s go.”


Stephanie had her left hand under her head, and Thanatos rested his head on her ribcage, as he lay beside her.

“You guys just wake up?” asked Deliah.

Thanatos smiled. “No, but I feel like I might as well be asleep.”

Deliah sat beside him, and stroked his snowy mane. “Gods, you look so beautiful.”

He closed his eyes. “Probably dishevelled.”

Deliah looked at Stephanie. “Stephanie, can I impose on you one day to take me over, et cetera?”

Stephanie stretched out a little. “You wouldn’t be imposing, Del. I’d get a kick out of it.”

I asked Thanatos, “Can you get us another great poet?”

Thanatos said, “Sylvia Plath! Yeah, I can get her. She’ll appreciate us, but she might not want to leave us afterward.”

“Do we care?” asked Stephanie. “She was a beautiful, award winning poet. She got away with committing suicide, then?”

“Sort of,” said Thanatos.

“Meaning?” I asked.

“She worked her way through her inner demons on this side of The Veil,” said Thanatos. “Donn! Want to give me an excuse to invite her?”

“Another ride? Sure. Who else do we alert?” I asked.

Thanatos sat up, and gave Stephanie a kiss on the forehead. “Whoever you want, babe.”

“Everybody, who’s been here before,” I said.

“Picnic after?” asked Thanatos.

“Standard procedure,” I said. “It’s better than before the ride.”

He came over to me, and brushed my bangs back from my face. “It’s going to be your last exhibition here.”

“It is?” I asked.

He brought his forehead against mine, and embraced me gently. “Sylvia is in The White City. She already knows about us. If we invite her, we can’t ever let her go, because she’ll never let us go. She also can’t come here long term, and you all are so close to belonging to The City, I may as well take you shortly after our meeting with Sylvia.”

“If we can come back here to visit once in a while, I don’t care,” said Stephanie, as she sat up.

“Later,” said Thanatos. “There’re other places to watch storms. Del! Would you like to satisfy your curiosity with Stephanie, now?”

Deliah looked at Stephanie. “Would you mind?”

Stephanie extended her arms. “Oh gods, no.”

“Good,” said Thanatos, and I found myself suddenly somewhere else, still in the arms of Thanatos.

Chapter 10

I collapsed in Thanatos’ arms. He picked me up, carried me to the couch, and lay me on it. I’ve never seen the place in my conscious memory, but I recognised what I’d described in my fourth book, I heard the ‘angelic’ music, and I felt the peace and love. Thanatos had transferred me to The White City, and I was in the place that would soon be home.

I slowly got my bearings, and sat up. “I wrote about it, but I don’t remember it,” I said with a smile. “All I can say, is it’s probably the most beautiful experience I ever had in my life.”

Thanatos sat beside me. “This version of it, huh?”

“I guess so. I assume I’ll remember what happened in book number four pretty soon?”


I leaned against him, and put my arms around him. “How bad will I feel when I go back?”

“As I already told you, I can ease the worst of it,” he said.

“I don’t want to lose what I'm feeling now.”

Thanatos stroked my hair. “Remember when we met for the first time in Hades after you father and grandfather took you to me?”

“Like yesterday.”

“Do you think you feel better now, or when we were one unit to that degree?”

I pressed the side of my face against his chest, and held him tighter. “OK, I admit it. Nothing surpasses us being one. That first meeting with us is the best thing that ever happened to me.”

“Let’s do that again, so you get a proper perspective on you being in The White City. We’ll also meld a lot more often, after you move here.”

I closed my eyes, and smiled. “OK.”



“I’m all here, now. Every last bit of consciousness! I’m not split up. There’s no other Thanatii running around anywhere else in any other time zones.”

I chuckled. “Thanatii, huh?”

He traced his right fingertips delicately across my chest. I had an immediate reaction. “Donn, we’re going to blend, but I want to go as slow as possible. Etheric, Astral, Causal.”

“Aiyyah!!!!!!! I can’t go...Causal.” I whispered.

“No, but I can, and I can take you. Then we’ll see Sylvia, who by the way, loves our poetry and paintings.”

“Have you met her?” I asked.

“No. I didn’t have to. I can focus on anyone, and find out all about them.”

I unclasped my belt. “You’re a little more powerful now, huh?”

“No. Just more knowledgeable.”

“Shall I change gender now?”

“No. Later. What we’ve done now in this period will never happen again with us. You won’t care for this stage of what we’re doing at all, after we’re through. In this respect, you’ll be like me.”

“My choice, huh?”

“Totally.” The voice was slightly different. I looked at Thanatos. He was a she. The one and only creature in feminine who left Deliah a close second in the looks department! Definitely the most attractive woman I ever saw in my life.

“Oh, gods!” I whispered.

She kissed me on the cheek, and said, “Be prepared to reset yourself a few times.”

I nodded. We went through just about everything that felt as good as it gets, then switched places. After that, we lost polarity both ways, and did everything two individuals could experience under the sun in every way possible, like that. Oh, WOW!!!!!!!!!!!

If I’d been with anyone else, I would never have done, or subjected myself to over half of what happened, despite how good it felt, but I’m not going to write about that.

The concluding Causal merging was beyond indescribable. WAY beyond it! Come to think of it, so was everything else.

A part of me would never get over what happened, and I mean that in the best way possible.

Despite the fact that it devastated any innate desire I had for sex again, that is. I really couldn’t see wasting my time like that for my own sake after the Causal experience,

I’d not be completely celibate in the future. Pretty close though, and no one would have me again other than Thanatos or Stefan...Stephanie...whatever. I think. For me the concept of this type of intimacy had developed a sacredness, and I just couldn’t bring myself to share what was left of me with anyone else other than the two I loved more than myself by now.


After Thanatos gave Sylvia a mental ring, it was decided that she’d come to Thanatos’, or should I say ‘our’ apartment. She’d been absolutely thrilled to get the invite, she did a direct transfer to our coordinates, and she was holding a compilation of everything she’d ever written. “Hello. Thanatos and Donn, or would that be Keith and Vergil?” she asked.

“Whatever you prefer,” said Thanatos.

She held up her tome. “Thanatos and Donn, then. I sensed you wanted this?”

Thanatos took the book. “We did. Autographed, I hope.”

“It is. Where is everyone else?” she asked.

“Still on Tech Duinn, but not for much longer. Donn is doing a final exhibition of stunt riding, then all those invited, of which you are one, will have a picnic, then our household will straighten up any last minute issues, and here we’ll be,” said Thanatos.

Sylvia looked at me. “I thought you were a skater. Now you’re a stunt rider?”

I shrugged. “I do both. I still skate quite a bit. More than I ride, in fact.”

“I’d like to come. Of course I’d like to know who else is on the list.”

“Quite a few poets,” said Thanatos. “Byron, the Shelleys, Vergil, Cebes, and of course Vergil’s rather attractive Alexander, Wolfe, Longfellow, Mary Stuart, Wilde, Joyce, a few historical rulers, and their lesser known loves, to name a few. Ted Hughes is not on the list.”

“I don’t hate him anymore, but thank you,” said Sylvia.

“He suffered quite a bit from your suicide,” said Thanatos.

“I know. He loved me more when I was gone than when I was there, but it’s always easier to love a ghost, isn’t it?”

“The guilt followed him to his grave,” said Thanatos.

“Me and Ted have talked. It’s all right now, but I have to admit; when Assia killed herself the same way I did, I about lost it. I still had quite a bit of hostility in me, and I haven’t laughed so hard to this day.” (Assia Gutmann Wevill was the woman Ted Hughes dumped Sylvia for.)

“Stefan thought that was as funny as hell, too. I suppose, in a morbid, kind of tragic way it was,” I said.

Thanatos pointed up at the ceiling. “Poetic justice.”

Both me and Sylvia totally cracked up laughing. Ye gods, that one was worthy of Deliah.

“Gods above and below, that was a good one,” I said, after I recovered. Yes, I am capable of laughing at the expense of another. I’ve done it often enough already.

Thanatos smiled. “Sylvia! So would you like to move in with us now, or wait until everyone else it here?”

She scowled. “Are you serious?”

Thanatos tilted his head. “Look yourself up in the Akashic Library, lady.”

Neither Thanatos nor I were ready for what came out of the woman’s mouth, next. “Does that mean you’ll sleep with me?” She was another very forward lady, who wasn’t afraid to ask for what she wanted.

Thanatos walked over to the nearest wall, and put his forehead against it. “Ye gods.”

“Is that a yes, or a no?” asked Sylvia.

Simultaneously, I said “No,” and Thanatos turned to say, “Yes.” He then added, "Once." Or so he thought.

Me and Thanatos looked at each other, as Sylvia said, “OK, I can live with that.”

Thanatos looked at me. “Shall we go to Tech Duinn, now?”

“And me?” asked Sylvia. “You described being separated from this place after having been here, painful.”

“We would like you to come with us. Just keep in mind that it won’t be for very long, and I’ll help you both with the pain of transition after we get there.”

“OK,” she said. “Take me away. I’m dying to meet Stefan. How big exactly is his nose?”

Thanatos chuckled. “It’s quite respectable, but it fits him. Barely. He’s absolutely beautiful.”


Thanatos did an absolutely awesome job of easing my discomfort of leaving The City, and Sylvia’s as well. Of course it ended up being a three-way merging.


When we got to Tech Duinn, Deliah was in a total euphoric daze, and male again...Stefan was still with her. They were on the couch in front of the perpetually burning fireplace, and Deliah was lying down with her head in Stefan’s lap. Stefan looked pretty sedated, himself.

“Sylvia, this is Deliah and Stefan.”

Sylvia said, “I know all about you, Stefan, but Deliah? I have no clue as to who you are.” She had not read my fourth story, which was not currently available in The White City, and wouldn’t be until we returned.

“A later adoptee of Donn’s. Nice to meet you! I love your poetry. Will you forgive me for not rising to properly greet you, Sylvia?” said Deliah.

“I’m not a judge or a queen. That’s not necessary.” Sylvia mentally sent Thanatos. ‘What happened with those two?’

Thanatos sent back, ‘Stefan, or should I say Stephanie, considering unless it's me, the controller must be female the way we do it, just took Deliah’s mind, and all sense of responsibility over for a while, among other things. It’s a total vacation from themselves for the passive party, and it takes a while to get over it.’

She looked at me. ‘Ah yes. The mysterious ritual that is partially censored by Stefan in your last book that’s out, was it? You mentioned that the tale continues, but I haven’t been able to find a fourth book by you.’

‘Hm hm! The fourth volume I mentioned I was working on is done, and will be available to The White City again as soon as we get there in our present reality. It was pulled from our existence after I came back to this time regressive frame, because I’m not there yet, and even though I wrote it, it really hasn’t been written yet, if you know what I mean. ’

Sylvia smiled. ‘I’m sorry I asked.’

Returning the smile, I just winked at her.

The zoned Deliah dragged herself to a seated position to make room for two of us, and Thanatos and Sylvia joined them on the couch. I sat in one of the chairs between the couch and the fireplace. I materialised the first cup of tea.

Stefan was next with the tea, and he asked Sylvia, “Who was your psychopomp?”


“Is he still in your life?” asked Deliah.

“My life?” asked Sylvia with a chuckle. “My existence, I’d say. No. Not anymore. He was for a while, having helped me come to terms with everything, but I didn’t call on him after I didn’t need him anymore. He’s nice, I consider him a friend, but we didn’t click to establish anything long-term. I wouldn’t mind meeting him again.”

“Strange that he didn’t come to me,” said Deliah.

“Why?!” asked Sylvia.

“I was Jewish,” said Deliah.

Sylvia gave Deliah a sad smile, and extended her hand. “I am so pleased to meet you.”

Deliah gently took Sylvia’s hand, and a mental exchange took place between the two, that I would never know. “Thank you,” said Deliah a moment later.

Thanatos said, “Let’s call Macha and Kevalyn. Those two are going to trip on you being here.”

“OK, let’s,” said Deliah.


My exhibition ride! It took place in Tir na nOg like all the others, and I’d have a guest I never would have dreamed of. Sylvia had asked Thanatos if he could beckon Azrael, and Azrael actually accepted. A raven-haired fox, with a nose that Stefan just had to compliment! Could I have found an individual, who was less self-conscious than Stefan, in that regard?

Probably not!

Sylvia ended up sitting between Thanatos and Azrael for the show, and my execution went perfectly. I gave a serious performance, with no attempts at looking a fool. I’ll give no description, for all I’d be doing is writing about what I’d already written of one more time. I’d come up with no new moves, but I still had my audience’s rapt attention, and my skills on a horse... pony, rather, were appreciated.

Afterward, poor Sylvia about had a cow, being there were so many people (women) she wanted to talk to, and have a bitch-session with. Catherine the Great, Theodora, Boadicea, Cleopatra, Hypatia, Frances Farmer, and the list went on. Most agreed to meet Sylvia later in The White City. Tir na nOg was a step down for all of our guests, but they didn’t mind, since our guests ended up more fascinated each other then with my exhibition.

The picnic ended with Hypatia and Mary Stuart coming back to Tech Duinn with us, due to the pleas of Sylvia Plath. Thanatos set up a large circular couch, right in the middle of the rather wide east hall, with a circular table for our tea, and we all listened to a question and answer session between Sylvia, Hypatia, and Mary; though we did have a few of our own questions.

The only one of us who posed no queries was Thanatos! No surprise.


We had transferred to The White City shortly after the picnic. The moment we set foot in The City, we all remembered everything I’d written about, which was relevant to us personally. Deliah, of course, would remember nothing of the time she wasn’t with us, simply because, she wasn’t there.

Those of us who were there from the start of the novellas ended up laughing at our past foolishness, pranks and neurotic tendencies.

Sylvia would leave us in the dust as far as poetic composition went, and her current pieces were a lot more lighthearted, than her more volatile works when she was on Earth. We were as lucky to have her, as well as Deliah.

And the adventure does continue…

End of Volume Five
